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Wolverine-Hawkeye Telecine

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  • Originally posted by Brian Fretwell View Post
    I used a very old version of Paint Shop Pro (V4.15) with masking for highlights and shadows. First I lowered the gamma in the highlights then increased with the mask reversed to do the shadows. As this flattened the range I gave it increased brightness and contrast in the shadows, reversed the mask back and very slightly decreased gamma again.

    A bit long winded but that's what I have been doing with the many (thousands) still photos I have scanned and built up the technique over the years. Despite being able to adjust the scanner settings the brightness range of the originals is too great to just use the raw output.
    Ok thanks


    • Used fastcompression demo version. Do not see much difference between that and IC Capture except that fast compression is darker.

      Brightened the shadows a bit in the demo de-bayer image.
      Still looks dark on my laptop but ok on big monitor.
      But in summary I do not see much difference. Don't think it is worth the extra step.


      • Originally posted by Stan Jelavic View Post
        Used fastcompression demo version. Do not see much difference between that and IC Capture except that fast compression is darker.

        Brightened the shadows a bit in the demo de-bayer image.
        Still looks dark on my laptop but ok on big monitor.
        But in summary I do not see much difference. Don't think it is worth the extra step.
        ok yes you are right if it did not do much difference then it´s not worth the extra step
        hmm i do not get that Demo Version watermark label first time i see it


        • I requested the sdk demo from fastcompression. You are probably using a different version of the tool.
          I used DebayerJpegSample.exe
          Did not find fast_debayer.exe in the kit that they sent me.


          • i use this

            here is the picture of it click download there
            Debayer algorithm MG is the best of does DFPD is good to but olderClick image for larger version  Name:	Gpu_Debayer.png Views:	0 Size:	178.1 KB ID:	13116
            Last edited by Mattias Norberg; July 07, 2020, 01:32 PM.


            • Not much difference Mattias:


              • Originally posted by Stan Jelavic View Post
                Not much difference Mattias:
                yes looks the same hmm there is some command line settings i think i but i have not try them not sure if does help

                i was thinking about this
                -R <float> -G1 <float> -G2 <float> -B <float> - white balance correction coefficients for R, G1, G2, B channels respectively.

                i did test to add this to command line setting i did add 0.5 to all channels and it did get brighter but gamma settings would have been better i think

                -R 1.5 -G1 1.5 -G2 1.5 -B 1.5
                Last edited by Mattias Norberg; July 07, 2020, 03:02 PM.


                • Can try that. In the meantime trier your HDR. Seem to improve the bright areas (clouds visible) without making the mid tones dull.
                  Actually looks pretty good.

                  BTW - looks like it is better with 12 bits per channel. 8 bits gave me dark image.


                  • Originally posted by Stan Jelavic View Post
                    Can try that. In the meantime trier your HDR. Seem to improve the bright areas (clouds visible) without making the mid tones dull.
                    Actually looks pretty good.

                    BTW - looks like it is better with 12 bits per channel. 8 bits gave me dark image.
                    yes looks good maybe you need to tweak the avisynth setting so it works even better for your camera


                    • Thanks Mattias. Will play with the settings a bit tomorrow.
                      Here is the claw-camera trigger-takeup timing.
                      Click image for larger version  Name:	takeup_timing.jpg Views:	0 Size:	154.0 KB ID:	13140
                      In theory, the camera trigger pulses should be able to start earlier in the cycle since there is plenty of time
                      from the point where the takeup drive is active (low pulse). I believe I tried this earlier but had issues with image smear
                      indicating that the film was still moving whole the image is taken.
                      Still not sure why this is happening.
                      Ah yes, it must be getting late. Forgot that the claw is engaged for half of the cycle. If the trigger is advanced it will overlap with the claw engaged interval (film being dragged) and will introduce smear.
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	takeup_timing1.jpg
Views:	435
Size:	163.0 KB
ID:	13142
                      So it looks like the timing is very close to optimal. Possibly move the takeup timing forward a bit to be in the middle of the claw active period but that should not have any significant impact.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Stan Jelavic; July 07, 2020, 08:31 PM.


                      • Hi Stan, again thanks for the explanation and experimentation, the last two comparison images with HDR NOHDR look very good, HDR has sky and cloud detail and more overall detail in the frame. Even the NOHDR is much better with the man's (at bottom right) shirt, the footpath and the woman walking on the footpath, but the sky does not have any detail. Looks like HDR is worthwhile.

                        Hi Mattias, thanks for the links to debayer, interesting reading, the process can be very simple to complicated, also thanks for sharing the scripts.
                        I am very impressed with the result of your HDR Denmark and Sweden S8 capture, frame by frame positioning is extremely good (it could not get any better), compared to the original positioning captures with the Wolverine/Hawkeye that suffers from jitter.

                        Regards -Bruce


                        • Originally posted by Bruce Davis View Post
                          Hi Mattias, thanks for the links to debayer, interesting reading, the process can be very simple to complicated, also thanks for sharing the scripts.
                          I am very impressed with the result of your HDR Denmark and Sweden S8 capture, frame by frame positioning is extremely good (it could not get any better), compared to the original positioning captures with the Wolverine/Hawkeye that suffers from jitter.

                          Regards -Bruce
                          the Sprocket align avisynth script works very good to fix jitter so if Wolverine/Hawkeye have jitter it can fix it later very easy with the avisynth sprocket align script
                          i think i have read somewhere that someone did use Adobe after effects to align the sprocket holes in their film capture but avisynth is free and works perfect but little slow

                          i think everyone know this already but Avisynth can output image sequence like this example to the Sprocket Align avisynth script
                          this script example output to hard drive D and directory movie image sequence image0.tiff image1.tiff image3.tiff and so on

                          Return sprocketAlign(film,8,100).ConvertToRGB24().imagewriter(file="D:\movie\image%d.tiff",start=0,end=0,type="tiff")
                          i have use many time a program called "Better file rename" to rename my image sequence it looks like this but im sure there is free tools that can do it to
                          Last edited by Mattias Norberg; July 07, 2020, 11:55 PM.


                          • Interesting reading on HDR:


                            • Originally posted by Stan Jelavic View Post
                              yes i have to test that program but i think i have to old camera but new Sony Pregius sensor camera works


                              • Mattias, thanks for the hint regarding "Better file rename", was using "Ant Renamer" not very intuitive, BFR is excellent.

                                Not a programmer so have not found a reason why the script gives me an error (searched but no luck).
                                Line 6 Script error there is no function named "Convert"
                                Where in the script would I need to place this extra line thanks:-
                                Return sprocketAlign(film,8,100).ConvertToRGB24().imagewr iter(file="D:\movie\image%d.tiff",start=0,end=0,ty pe="tiff")

                                Stan, that is interesting, have we been using the wrong capture program or is the HDR function in IC Measure the same as in IC Capture.
                                Quoted "IC Measure uses HDR functionalities as standard and presents HDR images to the user".
                                Does the HDR function work differently with the Pregius sensor (I do not think it should make a difference).

                                Thanks Guys, posts have been very interesting lately
                                Regards - Bruce

