Hi if it's possible test to capture to Y8 or Y800 format and test to use this Debayer https://www.fastcompression.com/products/debayer.htm
it´s command-line interface program
i use it i get better picture quality then The image source IC capture programs own Debayer
this is my camera i use The image source DFK 23G274 the lens i use is Rodenstock APO_Rodagon D 75mm f4.0 it´s my sharpest and best lens i have found but it´s to big for Wolverine :/ and it´s only good in 1x zoom but if the camera sensor is about super 8mm size then it´s good
my camera sensor is 1/1.8 inch size
here is a test film capture https://www.flickr.com/photos/94271811@N03/11013222224/
here is my .bat file code i run to debayer my image sequence
it first convert with ImageMagick the .tiff Y8 format to .pgm Y8 format because fast_debayer.exe only likes .pgm format and save the .pgm file to D:\Temp\ temporary
then fast_debayer.exe debayers it to .ppm format and save it to the SET OUTPUT_PATCH=F:\film\Debayer
then it delete the file inside D:\Temp\
then the loop starts all over again
SET Input_PATCH=D:\film\Y8 here is .tiff Y8 image sequence image1.tiff image2.tiff and so on to image32466.tiff
it´s command-line interface program
i use it i get better picture quality then The image source IC capture programs own Debayer
this is my camera i use The image source DFK 23G274 the lens i use is Rodenstock APO_Rodagon D 75mm f4.0 it´s my sharpest and best lens i have found but it´s to big for Wolverine :/ and it´s only good in 1x zoom but if the camera sensor is about super 8mm size then it´s good

here is a test film capture https://www.flickr.com/photos/94271811@N03/11013222224/
here is my .bat file code i run to debayer my image sequence
SET Input_PATCH=D:\film\Y8 SET OUTPUT_PATCH=F:\film\Debayer SET start=0 SET end=32466 FOR /L %%i IN (%start%,1,%end%) DO (CALL :loopbody "%%i") GOTO :eof :loopbody convert.exe "%Input_PATCH%\image%1.tiff" "D:\Temp\image%1.pgm" fast_debayer.exe -i "D:\Temp\image%1.pgm" -type MG -pattern RGGB -d 0 -o "%OUTPUT_PATCH%\image%1.ppm" DEL /Q "D:\Temp\*.*" GOTO :eof
then fast_debayer.exe debayers it to .ppm format and save it to the SET OUTPUT_PATCH=F:\film\Debayer
then it delete the file inside D:\Temp\
then the loop starts all over again
SET Input_PATCH=D:\film\Y8 here is .tiff Y8 image sequence image1.tiff image2.tiff and so on to image32466.tiff