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Wolverine-Hawkeye Telecine

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  • Originally posted by Stan Jelavic View Post
    One of the cameras with multi frame capability is

    Taking big bucks now.
    Looks like it is still available. OEMcameras support are checking it for me.
    It is available. They will update the web page.


    • HDR update:
      looks like we will be able to run 2 or 3 exposure HDR on Hawkeye without any HW mods. The MSP fw needs a mod and the PC has to run my VB sw that I am still testing. The VB sw is using the IC Image Control Active X component from TIS. Should have a demo version in a few days.


      • Stan that would be fantastic if you can achieve HDR this way, will the stepper motor have to be stopped (like Mattias) to take 2 or 3 images or just run the hawkeye at a slower frame rate. This is all very exciting.
        Mattias thanks for all the great ideas.
        Regards - Bruce


        • Originally posted by Stan Jelavic View Post
          HDR update:
          looks like we will be able to run 2 or 3 exposure HDR on Hawkeye without any HW mods. The MSP fw needs a mod and the PC has to run my VB sw that I am still testing. The VB sw is using the IC Image Control Active X component from TIS. Should have a demo version in a few days.
          Originally posted by Bruce Davis View Post
          Stan that would be fantastic if you can achieve HDR this way, will the stepper motor have to be stopped (like Mattias) to take 2 or 3 images or just run the hawkeye at a slower frame rate. This is all very exciting.
          Mattias thanks for all the great ideas.
          Regards - Bruce

          i have been playing with old Final Cut 7 and HDR merge i almost have it work ok maybe better then my Avisynth HDR script

          i did get the idea from this i use the Low exposure clip as Luma Key and some Gaussian Blur to the Luma Key and pump up the midtones

          i have test to do it in davinci resolve but did not work so good i guess i have to test more im sure it works somehow

          Stan Jelavic i was thinking if you do Led flash exposure for hdr so i did have this problem

          when i did the Arduino code to my Film scanner i did only scan the empty film gate to tweak the code so i did get even light on Low and High exposure

          i did notice that i have to pre flash the led ligh before the the real led flash exposure if i did not do that i did not get even exposure it´s like the lamp need some warm up
          Last edited by Mattias Norberg; July 11, 2020, 07:22 AM.


          • No, the stepper does not have to be stopped Bruce. The camera trigger occurs in the claw disengaged cycle. The MSP detects the claw signal coming from the photo detector first. Then after a film advance delay it sends the first trigger to the camera. Then waits for some fixed time to allow for the camera to process the image (worst case) and fires the second trigger for the second image.
            At the same time the custom VB program runs on the PC that communicates with the camera via ActiveX. When the camera first image is ready an event gets generated by Active X and sent to the custom code. The code sends the reduced exposure command to the camera. When the second image event is received it sends the normal (high exposure) to the camera end so on.
            The timing and the delays have to be right but I think it is doable. Still not sure how long it will take for the two images to be processed.

            The LED flash Mattias may be an issue with our cameras. Your camera is global shutter and our cameras are rolling shutter.

            How do you flash the LED? Is it like a regular flash? Or is it PWM with a cap?


            • the flash i mean Led on and delay then off

              here is my Arduino code that i use maybe easier to see what i mean

              in the Lamp function is the pre flash and the real flash and picture taken

              ai0 function is the function that get executet when hall sensor get triggered
              hall sensor then send 5v to pin 2 that is a interupt pin in arduino and ai0 function gets executet

              loop function runs all the time except when interupt pin 2 get triggered then the ai0 function
              does its thing and when it´s done then the loop function runs again

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Arduino_HDR_New.png
Views:	395
Size:	110.5 KB
ID:	13313
              Last edited by Mattias Norberg; July 11, 2020, 11:16 AM.


              • Thanks Mattias. Looked through your code and as you said you keep the lamp on for some time during camera exposure. The time the lamp is on is variable depending if it is a first or second shot.
                That works in your case because the shutter is global i.e. when the lamp pulses all of the pixels get exposed. With rolling shutter only a band of pixels will be exposed which will create unevenly exposed image.
                I plan to use variable exposure instead because that does not require any HW mods.


                • Originally posted by Stan Jelavic View Post
                  Thanks Mattias. Looked through your code and as you said you keep the lamp on for some time during camera exposure. The time the lamp is on is variable depending if it is a first or second shot.
                  That works in your case because the shutter is global i.e. when the lamp pulses all of the pixels get exposed. With rolling shutter only a band of pixels will be exposed which will create unevenly exposed image.
                  I plan to use variable exposure instead because that does not require any HW mods.


                  • Did a quick test VB code that talks to the camera. It is located at:

                    The people interested in using the code should try the test just to see if VB executable runs on their platform.
                    Download the zip file and unzip it in a local drive.
                    Then double click on WindowsApp3.exe and see what error you get. If the DFM72BUC02-ML is connected a small window should open and display the live feed. If no camera is connected, and error should pop up saying that the device is not connected.
                    If runtime error pops up then you may have to install the active X from imagingsource.
                    This is for windows platform only for now.


                    • Hi Stan thanks for sharing, I find google drive a pain to try and download anything with google chrome, it just does not work for me, I have to use good old (never used these days) Internet explorer. I found the zip you posted to be empty, only contains a folder "hawkeye_hdr" but no file.
                      Regards - Bruce
                      P.S. and one has to log in or open an account to be able to download.


                      • May have to put it on github or my web site. This is totally crazy. Google sent me a warning that I am violating their policy by sharing potentially dangerous files ha ha. Apparently there is a glitch in their system that they do not bother to fix for a few months now. These guys are making too much money in my opinion and do not care if they lose the customer. I am currently paying for their storage.

                        Posted the code in github:

                        Go to:

                        Last edited by Stan Jelavic; July 12, 2020, 08:08 AM.


                        • Stan, you're the best. Thanks, but I can't try anything for a few days.
                          I've not had problems with Google drive as long as the file or folder has been shared for all with link.

                          Note: Instead of copy and paste for scripts, they could be uploaded as an attachment. Just add the extension ".txt" to avoid possible file type conflicts.
                          Then no spaces or other formatting can be added.


                          • Not the best David but getting my fingers into everything and sometimes burn them . But thanks for the encouragement. Really appreciate that.
                            Google drive started giving me problems recently even when I share a link. Never had an issue with it before.
                            But github is very good and nice for sharing the code and different versions (CM - configuration management). Will use it for this code from now on.
                            I am writing the build instructions as I progress with the code so that other people can do the build as well.
                            The build tools are free which definitely helps.
                            This first version does not do much. Just does the camera live feed but it is possible to add all of the functionality pretty easy.
                            Hopefully it will not require IC Capture at all. That is my wishful thinking.


                            • Stan, on my systems, win7 & win10 nothing happens when clicking on the file "WindowsApp3.exe", the DFM72BUC02-ML camera is connected.
                              Msvbvm60.dll is registered, have installed TIS "IC Imaging Control ActiveX" v3.2.0.0. There are no error messages.
                              Do not know what I might Have missed.
                              Regards - Bruce


                              • Gosh, these latest developments are very interesting. I guess you know the famous VideoFred uses a custom ActiveX programme written by Frank Vine to achieve his results. Might be useful to look at, I think it uses RGB rather than two exposures though.
                                Demo is towards the end of this video :-
                                Frank’s website is

