Thanks for that link Ed to J.C. His reviews are excellent, although I don't have 4K projection the blu-ray titles I have watched he does talk about that are very good are, Hunter Killer, Lucy, 1917, The Shallows, and Blade Runner 2049 both in 2D and 3D. all good stuff.
I did a screen comparison using the Epson with a couple of screen shots of "Flight Of The Navigator". Notice the improvement of the image width of 1:85.1 over the 1:77.1 of the previous release.
The first still is from the 2012 edition.

Ah! that's better

I did a screen comparison using the Epson with a couple of screen shots of "Flight Of The Navigator". Notice the improvement of the image width of 1:85.1 over the 1:77.1 of the previous release.
The first still is from the 2012 edition.
Ah! that's better
