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Your Today in Pictures...
Graham, I only wish my Grandsons were as enthusiastic. All they seem to want to do most he time is play games on their mobile phones although one has tried to make a film on his and is quite keen on film making and acting, and my eldest granddaughter wants my cinema when I have popped my clogs.
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Yes Dom, Weatherspoons are fine. Incidentally they have taken over what were cinemas in a number of towns. There is one in Whitstable near to where I live. They have even got a film projector in what used to be the cinema foyer.
Hi Ken his phone is not to far away from reach I can assure you. We are in summer mode at the moment, and schools will be back next week after the summer break. The weather is very good at the moment, the last few weeks of January are always the most settled, and a ideal time for a holiday. When I came to NZ in 1973. The family I was boarding with for a year and a half, had a batch at the Rangitata huts, very close to a good fishing river, the Rangitata river and during the end of January invited me along. I did actually catch a salmon, well I did get it on the line, but it got away. You do need a fishing license, and with that, you can fish NZ rivers and high country lakes here in the South Island, it wasn't expensive either. I was always reminded of that "one"
that got away for many many years, sadly Anne husband passed away two years ago, they were a wonderful family to live with when I arrived in NZ in 73, and great with the fishing, certainly light years ahead of any of my attempts that's for sure.
At the heritage park at the moment there are plenty of tourists out here for the summer, in particular quite a few from the US. I have a couple of photos of when I took Steven fishing somewhere I will have to look them out.
Anyway this is a photo I took at the time of the family I stayed with, Gill had a great sense of humor and passed a lot of his knowledge of fishing to me, in turn, and in later years I passed that onto Steven. I took a couple of
"summer" photosa few years back, while we going for a local bike ride with the grandkids just up the road where we live and thought I will throw them into this topic
Found our old fishing photos, the rods are good for surf casting, although I enjoy fly fishing more, still got all the rods etc in the garage, Steven often talks about going out again, so will see. These photos were taken locally about 15 minutes drive from home with Steven and friend were giving it a go.
This photo below is my favorite of Steven taken as evening was setting in