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Wolverine-Hawkeye Telecine

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  • Bruce, I will target the 17.6mm, that is ~97% of the original. If that is working with the film, there I go!

    Do you have a factor you apply to models to compensate for the printer (3% larger) ?


    • David, I apply a factor if printing something large that is dimensionally critical, with petg its usaully 0.2% to 0.4%.
      I do not allow for shrinkage in small prints, 0.2% or 0.4% really has a very minimal effect on size, one would have much more effect with extrusion settings (over or under extruding).

      Make sure you do not have too much squish on the bed so that the teeth are clean without a squish flange effect.


      • New link for Discord, previous has expired, sorry thought I made it none expiring but obviously not. I am not a Discord expert just novice.
        Regards - Bruce


        • Received the 3D printed parts from
          Used Kamel's SDL because Bruce's parts were not available at the time of the order.
          The teeth look more consistent but the film still does not fit. Actually a closer inspection shows that the teeth are too wide and shorter. The part also seems to be longer. Will have to check it with the caliper tomorrow.


          • Hi Kamel "A photo of your installation system would be interesting" sorry for the delay.
            This is the Hawkeye that Stan built for me, thanks Stan.
            The "Toothed S8 Capstan Pulley" is the only change, it is the one I printed, it is without the brass inserts.

            Click image for larger version

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Size:	122.7 KB
ID:	4355
            Click image for larger version

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ID:	4356
            Click image for larger version

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ID:	4357


            • Thank you Bruce for the images, it's more telling !
              Your 3D prints look good...
              You did not put a curved pulley after the supply reel, the film may scratch.

              Do you have a good reason for this choice ?
              ultimately what pulley diameter works for you?

              Stan, the toothed pulley seems coarse (the layers are too big for such small teeth):
              0.1mm would be a minimum for better precision.
              Tell me if you want a specific size, I will send you the modified STL.


              • Thanks Kamel. Maybe will see if this supplier can do 0.1mm first.


                • Stan, sorry to say that print is very coarse. As bad as anything I have printed, that one wins.

                  Bruce, thanks for all the tips. I have been using PETG for the last month, and it is now dialed in! I have almost no cleanup. The toothed pulley had been one of the big printing challenges, even with PLA. Now the teeth print very clean. I'm not very fluent in F360 or Dspark creating these parts.

                  Looks like everyone is withholding the import/export functions for the free 3d editors. Time to create my own parts.

                  I have tried to scale the toothed pulley you created and find that scaling is not the best option here. The teeth are seriously changed.


                  • Hello

                    Reading this made me wonder if a different manufacturing method would work. How about (forgive my crude drawing) something like this. The sprocket can be assembled from two components. A Cylinder with a notched inset on one end and a thin toothed wheel sized so that the teeth extend through the notches on the end of the cylinder. It might be easier to control the size and quality of the teeth.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	TwoPartSproket.png
Views:	482
Size:	30.5 KB
ID:	4412


                    Chris LaRocque


                    • Chris LaRocque, thanks for your contribution, new ideas are welcome.
                      Finding a point where the film rolls on and off easily is the difficult part as each 3D printer prints a little differently depending on calibration, material, layer height and nozzle dia. With such tight tolerances, to get it right one needs to customise the drawing of the part to the printer it is being printed on.

                      My opinion only, the teeth for this S8 capstan are very fine and making them as long as you have drawn exposes their fragility, especially when trying to remove the printed part from the bed. By creating two separate parts adds unnecessary complexity.

                      Regards - Bruce


                      • Hi Kamel, the only part, beside the stand for the Hawkeye, that I printed is the capstan toothed pulley assembly, the other parts (curved pulleys) I assume are from you as this is how Stan supplied the Hawkeye to me. The first pulley is an original Wolverine, perhaps Stan did not have enough stock of the curved pulleys. I have not found it to be a problem as the film supply reel rotates very freely and does not place very much tension on the film.

                        The toothed pulley diameter I have used is still the same, your original diameter less/minus two film thicknesses.
                        Your Diameter = 16.171mm
                        My used Dia. = 15.9
                        Film thickness = 5.5 thou (0.0055 inches) or 0.1397mm x 2 = 0.2794mm

                        Regards - Bruce


                        • Hi David, glad to hear you are having success with the 3D printing (are you using S3D as your slicer). Unfortunately providers of free software versions only want to get you locked into their program, then as you become more familiar and want more advanced features you have to pay. Having learned to use a particular program its easier to pay than learn another.

                          Regards - Bruce


                          • Bruce, Kamel,
                            The parts that Kamel sent me were for capstan testing. Since I never planned to use them for my machine after the test I sent them to Bruce with his machine (did not charge him for the plastic parts). But now I have several orders that need capstan and that is why I am still looking into getting my own prints or at least figure out the way of getting the parts printed properly so that other people without printers can order them. One possibility is to get one of the guys with the printer to supply the capstan components and charge for the material and trouble. Would make my life a bit easier anyways. I can provide the rest.
                            Board update:
                            The V11 boards are on order (qty 5). Will use one to testing to make sure everything works. Got a quite for qty assembly. $42 per board which is not bad but would have to run a panel and there are some other constraints. This is keeping me busy.
                            David, thanks for the compliment. I am a proud winner of the worst part ever printed On a positive note it should be getting better going forward he he.


                            • Bruce, I'm using Ultimaker Cura. There are some differences in the setting name and descriptions, some of it is easy to translate. I'll need to take a demo of S3D and check all those settings.

                              I am still struggling with the toothed pulley. The original pulley I had printed does not stay engaged beyond 4 or 5 teeth, but it keeps rotating the pulley. It looked like the pitch was different from the perforations. I've been printing different sized pulleys trying to adjust the pitch. No luck yet and I haven't had enough time to stay with it.

                              I moved my 8mm viewer/editor today and noticed the toothed pulley is the same size as the one we are using on the Hawkeye. I hope to check that out this weekend. It could be identical. Why does it work?

                              Stan, the worst printed part ever, I thought it came from another home business. If so he has an impressive web site, but poor QA!
                              Hope you don't have to pay for that!


                              • Hi David, I have not used Cura but have heard good things.
                                The pitch is different, did you see Stan's drawn image representation of the problem?
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Stan tooth spacing image_1089.jpg
Views:	476
Size:	70.8 KB
ID:	4472
                                The toothed pulley you removed is probably made of accurately machined metal (steel or aluminium I'm guessing) that is a little different to a 3D printed part (accuracy).
                                Private message in your inbox.
                                Regards - Bruce

