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Wolverine-Hawkeye Telecine

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  • Discovered a bug with capstan. If you turn the run sw off while the buzzer is beeping (2sec on 5 sec off) it will get stuck beeping. Will fix that today. So David, can you wait until the next release, some time today.
    The youtube video looks very interesting.
    Here is the camera mount with the 16mm lens . The speed and turbo switches are a bit hard to reach but they are not used that frequently.
    S8 1820x1300
    R8 1580x1140
    IC capture has a rotate image controls on the top right hand side.

    Ok David, think I got most of the bugs out (raid comes to my mind).
    You can try the new version:

    Last edited by Stan Jelavic; October 21, 2020, 01:54 PM.


    • Well, I had already flashed before the bug warning, so I got to experience that unstoppable alarm! Best part is it revealed my TURBO switch is flakey and I had damaged the ALARM switch by soldering the connections. It needed spade connectors.

      All is well now, the capstan alarm is repaired. I'm back to working on the post software. Avisynth should be installed in drive C:, short of using Voodoo registry hacks. I'm using the 32bit version until I find a filter/plugin that is only available in 64bit.

      The most important filters for me are for cleanup like ones used in the Avseditplus demo. Dirt, scratches, and excessive grain/noise cleanup like shown in the Avseditplus demo. I've no doubt videofred is using the same filters etc. I'll start there.


      • You still live in the same neighborhood David?
        Good to hear you got it going and looks like you are doing pretty well with post-process. Good going.


        • Yes Stan, I have not moved!

          Speaking of post process, currently I'm trying HDR. I'm staying current by using Manual 11 links. I'm getting JPGs, not TIFs.

          Enfuse fails with JPGs, How do I change the output to TIF?


          • Hi David, make sure you grabbed the latest app from github.

            Click SaveTiff button before hitting the ImgSave button. That should do it.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot.png
Views:	446
Size:	20.2 KB
ID:	19484


            • DOH! I've been using a shortcut for the HDR1.exe. Somehow copied an older one to the processing folder.

              HDR is running. Hooray!

              I'll return later and deal with quality. Now back to VD and Video Fred.


              • Glad you got it working David. Maybe you can share some clips.
                VD -- okay we know what you mean. Threw me off for a second.


                • Fixed one of the ebay units. The stepper has a cold solder joint on it.
                  Since I had to dismantle the whole unit just thought you might be interested in what the wolverine cam looks like. Here it is.

                  It is a pretty standard cam. Two cams on the same shaft. One that is eccentric laterally and the other one that has a ridge around the periphery in the other direction. Also note the spring. Pretty simple mechanism but requires extreme precision.


                  • Getting ready to add the USB3.1 interconnect to the V13. This is the TIS usb cable. Got to make sure all the pins are routed through.


                    • Stan and David, Glad to read your posts again.
                      I hope that you all are ok.

                      Your experiments are always very enriching and inspiring.

                      Stan, for Usb 3 V13, will it be compatible with USb2 (BUC02). will there be a single rear connector (a fully enclosed unit).
                      It would also be good to provide a connector for the capstan and Sonalert (Less soldering wires). Thanks again for all your hard work.

                      We are once again confined to France, I will take this opportunity to sort out all my old films.
                      Be careful in these complicated times.
                      Last edited by Kamel Ikhlef; November 01, 2020, 04:04 PM.


                      • Hi all, this Covid19 is not going away anytime soon it seems, as soon as countries open up it starts spreading again, as Kamel mentioned we all need to be cautious.
                        Hi Stan, interesting pictures of the cam set up but I obviously do not fully understand how that all works (not that I have to know until the need to maybe disassemble sometime in the future). Is what I am seeing an assembly packed with grease?

                        USB 3.0/3.1 this is a little confusing, from what I have read they are backward compatible to USB 2, the reversible plug type "C" is a good innovation but does not reflect any particular speed, it is only a plug type. In my opinion they always come up with these silly namings' that are supposed to reflect speed like, Full-speed, Hi-speed, SuperSpeed, SuperSpeed+. I assume with the V13 board the maximum speed will be 5.0 Gbit/s which is SuperSpeed.

                        Thanks Stan again for the ongoing dedication

                        Regards all - Bruce


                        • Hey Stan, thought you might be on vacation! ...................maybe next year?

                          I'm interested to see the Wolverine's hidden works. I don't want to even open mine now as I often cause problems, so many wires!

                          Clever, these Chinese. Someone I knew used to say that years ago.

                          And another one said, "If you don't know what you're doing, don't change anything!" it was VideoFred.

                          I would love to find scripts that only use 1 function. Then simply cut and paste from the functions you want into a master script. But the function I really need is Clean_Dirt.

                          VFred is working with Pal as an end product. 720 576, Ntsc is only 720 486. Some of the codecs and filters are working with 'x' sized blocks of samples. Maybe larger image sizes that hit those multiples could still work to get higher resolutions.
                          I'm won't be using any analog video tape or blueray disk for final output. I don't need to crop or apply any codecs in avisynth. Just clean that dirt, and do the rest elsewhere!

                          I've tried to isolate Dirt by removing features like Stabilize, but the script functions are intertwined. The videofred scripts are very well commented and titled, but delete 1 line and it's ERROR in line 32, column 8!

                          I'm most interested in the Clean_Dirt and DeGrain functions. These are not found in todays video editor filters, made for digital video, even when they have some analog video artifact filters.

                          Dirt is unique to film. The dirt on each frame is unique. I have "ground in dirt" that cannot be cleaned with chemicals and cloths and I don't want to try sandpaper just yet.

                          For example, in trying to separate functions, I don't know where this artifact is coming from. It's from one of VFred's multiple function scripts. I hope to find it eventually........... Granted this is a cartoon and most likely has duplicate frames. Cartoons at 24fps are really only 12fps, though the speed here is 18fps. I just realized that@#^%$.

                          No, double framing, I checked.

                          Click image for larger version  Name:	A.jpg Views:	0 Size:	84.5 KB ID:	20067​

                          Click image for larger version  Name:	B.jpg Views:	0 Size:	129.4 KB ID:	20068​
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by David Brown; November 01, 2020, 11:26 PM.


                          • Hi Kamel and Bruce. Glad to see some activity here. The USB3.1 board routing is coming along good. Had to remove the LED bias resistors that Kamel wanted because needed some space to rout the USB additional traces. Will try to pull those back in in some other area (not much room left actually).
                            Yes, it is USB2 compatible because it has slow speed D+ and D- lines in addition to the SuperSpeed lines. Yes it is SuperSpeed.
                            Kamel, the capstan motor has a connector on it so a board connector is not required. In order to remove it, you do not have to unsolder anything, just pull the connector out. I will add the connector for the sonalert.
                            Bruce, yes that is packed with white grease. Similar to the grease used on the takeup. Have to be careful not to get the dirt and dust in there. These are precision components. Will do a little diagram for you on how it works.
                            Here is the usb routing detail. Have to fix some broken traces (not usb), adjust the camera mounting holes and will add the sonalert connector.
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	usb3-routing.png
Views:	346
Size:	85.2 KB
ID:	20070

                            Stay safe out there.


                            • Here is the claw mechanism operation diagram. Hope it helps.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	claw_operation.jpg
Views:	338
Size:	158.2 KB
ID:	20072


                              • Thanks Stan for the clarification.
                                Hi David, would have thought these days that PAL/NTCS is not very relevant anymore (except if/when using old technology equipment), these days its all just about the resolution you want to use.

                                The scripts are great, but if making changes to them one really needs to know how and I do not (its frustrating). The scripts do not work well with dual images, they need to be removed.

                                The S8 films that were processed by others contained dual images (18fps to 24fps), to post process these myself I used VirtualDub v2_43803 and a small script to remove duplicates :- If I remember correctly there are also other options to this plugin, but this is all I needed.

                                directshowsource("H:\1_Movie Encoding\Super-8 Movies\TEST\film_Orig.avi")
                                loadplugin("C:\Multi Media Image Sound\Video Progs\VirtualDub v2_43803\plugins32\tivtc.dll")
                                TDecimate(mode=2, m2PA=true, rate=18.0)
                                #(m2PA=true) removes the 100 frame limit and allows TDecimate to look as far as it needs to find a cycle.
                                #(MaxNDL=5) defines the max number of frames allowed before removing a frame.

                                Have you tried the new version 3.1 of Film9 (I know have mentioned this before) to remove dirt (still need to remove duplicates first), it will allow to select the options you want and if its clean only that would work, de-grain also works well with the new Film9. Using sandpaper that's hilarious.

                                Regards - Bruce

