David, thanks for the explanation regarding misalignment, its fantastically detailed, must have taken you a long time to compile.
Kamel, thank you for the great original designs that made it easy for me. I forgot to mention above that in the N8 capstan sprocket assy posted I also added an extra tooth to maintain roughly the same diameter as for the S8 (S8=15.9mm Dia). With 13 teeth instead of 12, the diam used is 15.48mm (3.81 pitch x 13 teeth = 15.7659mm dia, used 15.765 less the film thickness 15.765 minus 0.2794 = 15.4865).
If anyone wishes the original Inventor 2019 files please let me know and I will post them. Not sure if anyone else here is using inventor or a program that can import these files.
Regards - Bruce
Kamel, thank you for the great original designs that made it easy for me. I forgot to mention above that in the N8 capstan sprocket assy posted I also added an extra tooth to maintain roughly the same diameter as for the S8 (S8=15.9mm Dia). With 13 teeth instead of 12, the diam used is 15.48mm (3.81 pitch x 13 teeth = 15.7659mm dia, used 15.765 less the film thickness 15.765 minus 0.2794 = 15.4865).
If anyone wishes the original Inventor 2019 files please let me know and I will post them. Not sure if anyone else here is using inventor or a program that can import these files.
Regards - Bruce