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Surviving Coronavirus

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  • #76
    I had my first shot last Saturday 🙂


    • #77
      Good news all


      • #78
        Glad to hear that folk are getting the vaccine, considering the widespread of the virus in many countries. Out here we are in a fortunate position to watch how the vaccine works in other places, as at present we don't have the same community spread in fact none. The thoughts are to watch and see how things play out as this virus is mutating all the time. Apart from front line heath workers at present, it will be later this year for the general population. The thoughts are the vaccine itself might soon have to be adjusted "fine tune" due to virus mutation.

        I still think what was put in place here, and most importantly the "compliance" by most people to those temporary restrictive measures, both here, the Pacific Islands and Australia have in general worked out well, to give us the breathing space for later getting the vaccine.

        Certainly its really important that everyone does take the vaccine, but I don't think its a magic bullet either that will simply make it disappear, also its on the cards another similar virus will show up in the near future, as they do each year with the flu, so it would be unwise, as some people seem to think, that its game over because of having a vaccine, its not.

        Anyway take care everyone.


        • #79
          You're absolutely right Graham.

          A virus as deadly as this can't be eradicated - rather it needs to be contained and suppressed through a strategy that combines a vaccine with other physical measures such as 'personal-distancing' (which is what it should really be called - not 'social'!) in an ongoing system that manages this specific virus, where the biggest problem is its extremely high transmission element which in turn makes it even easier to mutate - which is another basic function of any virus of this nature.

          The problem going forward is that until the vast majority of the global adult population is properly vaccinated (and as quickly as possible) then there is an ongoing risk that the virus mutates sufficiently to render all the current vaccines redundant - then it will be back to 'square-one'!

          So for those who might think that making sure that the populations of the poorest countries in the world doesn't affect them - it actually does!

          We ignore everyone who won't receive the vaccine (at least in time) at their, and our own, peril! 😯


          • #80
            Click image for larger version

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            Got my second shot (Pfizer) yesterday. So far no side effects beyond my arm being sore for a few hours.


            • #81
              I fear for the 3rd world countries who have little let alone the jab. We are very fortunate to have access in the UK, it's been rolled out quickly to those who want it. I just pray that those who refused the offer globally stay away from the vulnerable souls.


              • #82
                Well said Lee! 👍


                • #83
                  From my earlier post I now confirm I have had the 1st Moderna shot earlier today March 17th.

                  As I post this message it has been several hours since I had it done and my arm feels just fine

                  however and what I'm find as very strange circumstances my second appointment is on April 14 although I live in Florida pretty safe bet I won't strike any icebergs but geewhiz...... 👹


                  • #84
                    I was thinking the other day when I was required to produce my "Smallpox vaccine certificate" when boarding the Greek ship "Australis" at Southampton in 1973. Without it they could, and most likely refuse you boarding permission as it was a requirement. It might be an idea with Covid 19, that countries restrict travel to only those that can prove they have been vaccinated eg a "travel certificate" before boarding a aircraft etc, just a thought.

                    Looking back the one thing that came to mind when I was very young in Glasgow, was the dreaded and widely feared disease of Polio. It was of great relief to everyone when the vaccine came out, but it was the way of the "sugar lump" that I remember the most. Anyone here remember that sugar lump? anyway here is an interesting old newsreel on the subject.



                    • #85
                      Happy to say that now my lovely wifey has had her first jab, which is wonderful as we get two family members covered with one jab, as, she is still "pumping" for the baby boy, and so she will have the vaccine coming thru her milk to our baby. I'm pretty sure that well get him the shot when we have baby shots available, but it's nice to have that extra "safety" for the baby now.


                      • #86
                        Graham - what a great and informative video!

                        Osi - that's good news 🙂 almost a 'buy one, get one free' offer! 😉


                        • #87
                          Oh - and a rather young Richard Baker conducting the interview!


                          • #88
                            For years I would bump into adults that as children were effected for life by the world widespread of the "Polio" virus, our present neighbour being one . It was the most crippling disease and often fatal that I can think of the last century, and one of the most feared virus. The images of the "Iron Lung" was really something, it scared everyone. Taking the vaccine, like I did as a "sugar lump" as with others my age, was a huge relief, as the vaccine was to turn the tide of the spread of the disease.

                            The most famous person effected by "Polio" was "President Roosevelt" who got as an adult. The "Polio" virus still pops up every so often in certain countries, its still out there, the present vaccine has become less effective.

                            For those that are reluctant to take the Covid vaccine, they should really look back at "history" and consider themselves very fortunate that in the year "2021" a vaccine for Covid is available.

                            The past...

                            The Iron Lung.

                            Click image for larger version

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                            This next photo was taken here in NZ...

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                            Lastly The Sugar lump.....

                            Click image for larger version

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                            • #89
                              Emotional pictures Graham


                              • #90
                                VERY graphically-telling pictures Graham! 😯

                                Perhaps they should use similar pictures of people on ventilators in ICU wards as part of a campaign to get people sceptic of the Covid-Vaccine to take it!

                                The late lead-singer of The Blockheads, Ian Dury was also a fairly well known polio sufferer here in the UK.

