Steve...The last few days I have seen the same, folk out walking, kids on scooters and bikes etc. It might be that after two weeks so far of lockdown and with nice sunny days at the moment, The use a car seems pointless, there is no where to go as we have to live in our area and not drive outside it. As well as that, apart from the supermarket and corner dairy there is nothing else open. So with anyone with young kids at home, people appear to be spending more time together. I have to say that most people where we live, seem to be taking "there bubble" quite serious, even across at the park "the bubbles" are everywhere
...Funny thing, the other day I went on the walking track across the road, when I came across a family coming the other way. As soon as they saw me, they split up to either side of the track. It was like "I" was Charlton Heston parting the Red sea in the film "The Ten Commandments"
Anyway as I got closer, I indicated that I would detour way to my right of the track, so mum and the kids could once again come together. The lady did give me a smile and a wave from afar.
I think by hitting this virus spread with strict controls early on, and hitting it hard, seems to be working, not just with NZ but other countries that have done the same as well. We have another two weeks of present lockdown, so will see if a decision to back of some of the measures can been taken.

I think by hitting this virus spread with strict controls early on, and hitting it hard, seems to be working, not just with NZ but other countries that have done the same as well. We have another two weeks of present lockdown, so will see if a decision to back of some of the measures can been taken.