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Author Topic: What Films did you show last night?
Osi Osgood
Film God

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 - posted August 23, 2008 09:01 PM      Profile for Osi Osgood   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Last Night my wife and I watched "The Geisha Boy" (Pinnacle Films), a very nice print from a great negative, but the color is fading, some scenes great, some scenes not so great, but one of Jerry's best, (in my opinion).

Just love that original "Vista Vision" titles!

"All these moments will be lost in time, just like ... tears, in the rain. "

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Jean-Marc Toussaint
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 - posted August 24, 2008 02:27 AM      Profile for Jean-Marc Toussaint   Author's Homepage   Email Jean-Marc Toussaint   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Last night we had Beetlejuice (16mm)

[ November 06, 2010, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Jean-Marc Toussaint ]

The Grindcave Cinema Website

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Jean-Christophe Deblock
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted August 24, 2008 09:57 AM      Profile for Jean-Christophe Deblock     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

Last week, it was "MARCH OR DIE", a marketting featurette, 3x400ft, in frensh dubbing. Colors are slightly faded but gene Ackman was great, like always. And some trailers: return of the living dead, Hellraiser 2, 3 and 4, etc...

Yesterday, it was: " BLACK SUNDAY", the full feature film in super 8. Good featuere, great sharp picture and good colors. Next time, it will be "DESTINATION INNERSPACE".



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Paul Spinks
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 - posted September 06, 2008 09:42 PM      Profile for Paul Spinks   Email Paul Spinks   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Last night we had a great film show using the Fujica SD Auto projector that I hadn't used for a long while. These are really nice little Mag/Opt projectors that perform really well. We started with "North Sea Hijack" (U8 2 x 400ft). This was a recent ebay aquisition with excellent color and sound. We followed this with "Lust for a Vampire" (Derann 4 x 400ft). This was one of the films which I bought from Umit (see earlier posts). This was another great print, I wish all my other Derann 4 x 400ft colour features were still this good. Finally we watched "Stand In" (a Barry Wiles Film 5 x 400ft). This was another ebay buy and it was a pleasant surprise as I had never seen this film before. It stars Leslie Howard, Joan Blondell, Humphrey Bogart and Jack Carson in a great romantic comedy film set in a Hollywood film studio being deliberately run down so that it can be taken over. Howard plays a stuffy accountant sent in to check the finances, uncovers the plot, falls in love with Joan Blondell, loses his stuffiness and with Bogart's help saves the studio and everyones jobs. Great stuff!


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Charles Bramlett
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 - posted September 06, 2008 10:10 PM      Profile for Charles Bramlett   Email Charles Bramlett   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Does it count as a 'showing' if I'm watching by myself??

Today I showed (myself) "Inspector Willoughsby: Hide and Seek (200'), War of the Planets (50') and The Lively Set (50').

The crowd went wild!

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Paul Spinks
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 - posted September 07, 2008 08:29 PM      Profile for Paul Spinks   Email Paul Spinks   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Most definately watching by yourself is classed as "showing". My audience consisted only of my good lady Tania (she who MUST be obeyed) and myself. As it was her print of "North Sea Hijack" I had to let her attend the "showing". [Wink]


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Osi Osgood
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 - posted September 07, 2008 09:24 PM      Profile for Osi Osgood   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Last night, we had a double feature, first, "When's Your Birthday?"
(which has a neat 5 minute cartoon introduction to the movie animated by a very young Bob Clampett, his first directing job, in fact), 4X400 Joe E Brown comedy and ...

My name is Nobody (scope 4X400), slightly edited feature, but keeping all the best bits. Henry Fonda's last western, and Terrence Hill's best (in my opinion). beautiful German print.
Though Tonino officially directed it, it appears that Sergio Leone, (who produced) did most of the important direction. It would be Leone's last western as well.

"All these moments will be lost in time, just like ... tears, in the rain. "

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Bill Brandenstein
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 - posted September 08, 2008 01:05 AM      Profile for Bill Brandenstein     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Had to try out the EJL bulb in the GS-1200 (about 20% dimmer, but hey, better than nothing), so naturally some viewing was needed! Short show of
--Heart of the Golden West (3x400) Roy Rogers -- fuzzy Niles print
--Goofy's Golden Gags
--an old Kodachrome movie from my childhood that looked better than I ever remembered it

Great to hear the kids' laughter and amazement.

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Rob Koeling
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 - posted September 18, 2008 04:28 AM      Profile for Rob Koeling     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I need to get stuff ready to put on the table at the next BFCC. A nice excuse to get the projector out. Last night I watched a Blackhawk S8 print of 'Seventh Heaven' (Frank Borzage, US, 1927). A beautiful film. It had a home made music track, which I didn't like very much, so I watched it silent. I was going to run only part of it, but before I knew it, 2 hours were gone and the protagonists were reunited just before ' The End' titles.

The problem with watching films before selling it is, that so many times I think that I don't really want to sell it after all... (but I have to be strong)

- Rob

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Panayotis A. Carayannis
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 - posted October 04, 2008 05:57 PM      Profile for Panayotis A. Carayannis     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Two nights ago,it was an all silent Felix festival.Super 8 Arrowtabs copies (they had also been issued on std 8 ) of Pathescope 9.5 releases from the mid fifties ,but,superb copies.

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Thomas Boehnke
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 - posted October 05, 2008 10:32 AM      Profile for Thomas Boehnke   Author's Homepage   Email Thomas Boehnke   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Yesterday night I showed to myself "Peck's Bad Boy" with Jackie Coogan and "In the Days of the Thundering Herd" with Tom Mix, both in Super 8. One night before I watched Bela Lugosi's "White Zombie" on 16mm. I enojoyed all of them, especially Mr. Lugosi's performance.

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James N. Savage 3
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 - posted October 24, 2008 08:23 PM      Profile for James N. Savage 3     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Last weekend, I had a nice super-8 scope show for my niece's kids (age 4 to 12).

I showed:

Star Wars- reel 4, the last 30 minutes of the feature.

Superman II (Derann's one hour digest).

Barbeque Brawl (Scope Tom & Jerry).

King Kong scope trailer (new CHC release).

It was a great show, and all that in under 2 hours!


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Claus Harding
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 - posted October 24, 2008 10:23 PM      Profile for Claus Harding   Email Claus Harding   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
One-man show here tonight; I just ran my recently gotten "The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe" in 16mm, a great French spy farce, all to myself (I was laying the print over onto one big reel, so it's not as sad as it sounds [Big Grin] )

Very funny film; I have never had any desire to see the US remake.
Good print, some scratches, but very nice color and sound.


"Why are there shots of deserts in a scene that's supposed to take place in Belgium during the winter?" (Review of 'Battle of the Bulge'.)

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David Erskine
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 - posted October 27, 2008 06:44 PM      Profile for David Erskine   Email David Erskine   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
I'm really enjoying this forum - that's worrying in itself! Now I'm talking to myself (it IS boring - but I HAVE to listen!). This evening I tried out an ST1200D with a packed 800ft '100 years Undergound' (guess what that was about?) and then a 16mm copy of 'Wrong Arm of the Law' - and all the while 'Er Indoors was watching telly in the front room. It ain't a bad life, really.

I've NEVER let failure go to MY head!

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Graham Sinden
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 - posted October 28, 2008 01:49 PM      Profile for Graham Sinden     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
David, its fantastic to have you on board. [Cool]

I hope every now and then you watch that Potato film again. [Big Grin] I bought from you a colour film of it and its excellent [Smile] [Roll Eyes] [Big Grin] . Quickest way to empty a room bar none.

Graham S

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Jean-Christophe Deblock
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted October 28, 2008 04:11 PM      Profile for Jean-Christophe Deblock     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hi everyone,

Last night, it was time to see once again: "AIRPORT '77", 16mm, original version, in great scope, with great colors! I think it's the 10th time I see the film. But, it's one of my favortie and a very important film in my life. Great! Great! Great!

This afternoon, I show 3 condensed version in super 8: Midway; The Eiger Sanction and The Boston Strangler. Great!

Claus, did "The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe" in original frensh version?



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Panayotis A. Carayannis
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 - posted October 28, 2008 06:57 PM      Profile for Panayotis A. Carayannis     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
On Friday,it was PANIC ROOM ,35mm at a friend's house. On Saturday SWEENEY TODD, THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET, std8 with Tod Slaughter,preceded by THE BLACK WIDOW, a William Burns Detective one reeler (episode of an abysmally bad series) and WHO'S SCARED? an excellent cartoon issued by P.M. Films,which, I found out, is an early Dusan Vucotic originally titled THE GREAT FEAR. Both on super8.On Monday I did an all television show with BEWARE OF THE DOG (Dr Finlay's Casebook),THE STOLEN CRIME (Col March of Scotland Yard,Boris Karloff of course),both std8,THE LEFT FIST OF DAVID with Vincent Price and Peter Lorre and DAGNABIT RABBIT with Deputy Dawg.

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Claus Harding
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 - posted October 28, 2008 09:04 PM      Profile for Claus Harding   Email Claus Harding   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 

The original French one, yes, with subtitles. I will not watch a dubbed film; I'd rather skip it [Wink]


"Why are there shots of deserts in a scene that's supposed to take place in Belgium during the winter?" (Review of 'Battle of the Bulge'.)

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Steve Klare
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 - posted October 28, 2008 09:36 PM      Profile for Steve Klare     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Have been watching "Cattle Queen of Montana" on the reel per night plan with my son, with a different Bugs Bunny cartoon before each reel.

All I ask is a wide screen and a projector to light her by...

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Jean-Christophe Deblock
Jedi Master Film Handler

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 - posted October 29, 2008 01:35 PM      Profile for Jean-Christophe Deblock     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Hi Claus,

If you want to sell this film, please remember me. I'll be very interesting to buy it.



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Patrick Walsh
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 - posted October 30, 2008 02:00 AM      Profile for Patrick Walsh   Email Patrick Walsh   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Just ran my latest buy from Derann the 1x400ft of THE WAR OF THE WORLDS a nice digest and the box art is great!
another wee suprise was that it had the Marketing Films cataloge from 1980-81 in it and it is nice to read about all the great films that came out around then on super 8.

"Raise The Titanic!", It would of been cheaper to lower the Atlantic!

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Kevan Ellis
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 - posted October 31, 2008 04:47 PM      Profile for Kevan Ellis   Email Kevan Ellis   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Tonight it's Halloween in Canada and I guess everywhere else that have it.
I enjoy Halloween more than Christmas.

On the front lawn I have set up some benches and the super 8 projector and will play some movie of the scary sort.

3 Castle films 200' House of Dracula
The Invisible Man
1 American International 200' Pit and the Pendulum

1 Columbia 400' Creeps The Three Stooges

1 Blackhawk 200' Hide and shriek Our Gang

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Bill Brandenstein
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 - posted November 04, 2008 11:47 AM      Profile for Bill Brandenstein     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Since our film setups are so labor-intensive, and not being totally enamored with Halloween anyway, I haven't ever tried to do anything filmic on that date. But this year, seeing as it conveniently fell on a Friday, we went a completely unique direction. I put together a show of a different kind: for Reformation Day, seeing as 10/31/1517 was when Martin Luther posted some statements on a door and the world reeled. (No pun intended! Or maybe it was!) So we had about 10 people join us and watched an authentic 1950s movie show (16mm except as noted):
Donald Duck in "Inferior Decorator," the only concession to the kids! (Super 8)
Trailers for "Campobello," "Tumbleweeds," and "King's Row"
Fox Newsreel: "Impact of Tragedy" (retitled "Filming the Crashes" by Blackhawk, Super 8)
A Son of Zorro serial, "The Deadly Millstone," from 1946
Martin Luther (1953)

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Mal Brake
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 - posted November 04, 2008 03:01 PM      Profile for Mal Brake     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Gave a presentation to a church group of twenty people in their hall this evening.
They requested a one hour show with Tom&Jerry and Laurel&Hardy.
The programme in order:
The Truce Hurts; Helpmates; Two Little Indians; Busy Bodies; Triplet Trouble.
The audience age group was 50+ so as you would expect the show went down really well with laughter filling the hall.
Had a few questions afterwards about film collecting and cinema in general,two in particular showed a lot of interest. (gave the BFCC a plug!)
Laurel & Hardy on TV are enjoyable but put them on a big screen [7ft wide tonight] in front of an audience and something magical happens, their genius shines through.
I have another presentation next week for a History Society and by coincidence they also asked for Stan and Ollie.

I'm gonna live forever or die trying

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Anthony D.P. Mann
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 - posted November 04, 2008 03:09 PM      Profile for Anthony D.P. Mann   Author's Homepage   Email Anthony D.P. Mann   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post 
Held a fabulous little evening in the common room of our condo this past weekend - an evening of classic terrors in 16mm and Super 8 format, for about 15 friends, most of whom had never enjoyed a home cinema experience.

The bill was as follows:

- Witchfinder General (b&w silent digest) - S8
- King Kong (sound digest) - S8
- Castle of Death (b&w silent digest of Vampire Circus) - S8
- The Devil Rides Out (fabulous clr sound S8 digest I just
acquired from Derann)
- Reel 1 of The House That Dripped Blood (16mm clr sound
- Dracula (clr sound digest of the Langella film) - S8
- Reel 2 of the House That Dripped Blood

The whole evening was quite a hoot, and everyone really enjoyed themselves. It capped-off a really fun Halloween weekend, which started on the 30th with me hosting an evening of classic horror on TV in these parts. Can you tell I'm a classic horror flick junkie?

Next time, it will be an evening of Sherlock Holmes items... can't wait!

Cheers, all...


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