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What Blu-Ray did you watch last night?

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  • #61
    I watched the Quentin Tarantino "Hateful Eight" last night, filmed in Ultra Panavision 70, aspect ratio of 2:76/1, boy is it wide, it's the same ratio as "Ben-Hur", but it did look spectacular with all the snowy backdrops in the film. I liked the film, although as with most Tarantino films, it was very violent, but you must praise him in the way he makes his films, using actual film, and with Panavision on board with the special lenses (last used to film "Khartoum"), even on Blu-Ray it looks special, what were the roadshow 70mm prints be like, and as I only paid £2 brand new, what a bargain.


    • #62
      Regarding the Bluray of The Train, the 133 minute version is the standard original release version of the film. In the US.of.A, it has been available for a while on a Twilight Time Bluray that looks stunning. Not sure if it is the same transfer, but definitely the same version.

      I last saw The Train on 35mm film print from Sony/Columbia pictures around 9 years ago at a repertory screening, there was an extra scene that was not in any of the original USA prints, nor has it appeared on any of the subsequent DVD/Bluray releases as far as I know. The missing scene takes place at night in the village where they stop the train overnight. Paul Scofield is wandering the town after dark and hears a choir singing. Following the singing to it's source, he finds an old church where stops in to listen. While talking to the priest, he notices an old painting on the wall and mentions to the priest that the painting is quite valuable, before leaving the church. The standard theatrical version leaves the church scene out and cuts directly to the next morning where he arrives at the train tracks with a painting in the back of his staff car. It is the painting from the church, but in the standard theatrical version there is no indication of what or where that painting came from. The whole missing scene is not more than a few minutes, but it is a powerful sequence.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Graham Ritchie View Post
        Lincoln...Another good arrow release is "The Train" 133 minutes. I watched it last week and the quality is excellent, plus heaps of extras
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        Graham... The Train is definitely a classic for sure!! Burt Lancaster is always a good one.

        I think sometime this week I plan on watching a David Hemming Double feature.

        I'll play my Criterion of Blow Up (1966) and Indicator release of Fragment of Fear (1970). Both have some very solid Essays and supplements.
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        • #64
          Last night I watched DOUBLE INDEMNITY on the Eureka blu ray. A nice little booklet comes with it. About 4 1/2 feet wide from my Panasonic VP and mono sound from the centre speaker stack. Projector switched to a black and white preset of course. Throughly enjoyable and very immersive.


          • #65
            Just a mention of a forthcoming British Blu-Ray release due out next week from Network which may interest a few.

            At long last we are to see a Blu-Ray release of a George Formby film thanks to Network. It been a hell of a time happening and long overdue but I'm really pleased to hear the news. The film chosen is KEEP FIT 1938 quite a good film and choice with the disc also including the trailer a nice one as well I have on 16. Kay Walsh also stars.
            George and Beryl on set.
            Click image for larger version  Name:	Keep fit With Beryl on set.jpg Views:	0 Size:	34.1 KB ID:	5719 Price is a modest £11.50 posted. Will do a little review once it lands but really nice to see George get the HD treatment.

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            • #66
              Well folks if you like the great outdoors then this movie from 1972 "Jeremiah Johnson" blu-ray is one I certainly would recommend.

              I had to get this one from Germany. The picture quality as with the English 5:1 is excellent.
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              • #67
                KEEP FIT 1937 ATP New on Blu-Ray £11.50 delivered

                Had to do a little review of this as it is the first George Formby film to get a Blu Ray release and really superb. Picture is very detailed, original aspect ratio and crystal sound for 1937. A funny light hearted film with beauty Kay Walsh and familiar British faces of the day and nice uke banjo songs as well.

                The disc also contains the trailer complete and a fascinating image gallery with around 50% photos I've never seen before and I'm a life long fan!

                Its coded B and around 82 minutes with the image gallery running just under 7. I am very pleased to see this film in HD and carefully restored which now means I can retire my 16mm to the file section.

                Minor trivia. George did the majority of his stunts in this and injured his right arm during the gym sequence. He is also playing what was his preferred Ukulele Banjo in this and that sold at auction a couple of years ago for £72,000. Back in the 70's it was a privilege to be offered to play it although it had seen much use of course and entertained the troops in wartime a nice moment tho.

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                • #68
                  A word of warning though. After watching this film you wont be able to get that song out of your head .

                  Nice review Lee.

                  Graham S


                  • #69
                    This is true Graham

                    Watched Keep Fit again wonderful followed by this superb Techniscope film looking quite amazing on the 8ft screen.

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                    Ended with a bit of Standard 8mm sound film from the 60's The Derann advertising film ' A suggestion for your future programme'


                    • #70

                      I've got both of the Peter Cushing Blu-Ray's of his portrayal of "Doctor Who", considering the limitations of the Techniscope process, this has a lovely transfer, I've watched these 2 in many a double bill. Talking Techniscope, I've also got both "Thunderbirds" films on Blu-Ray which were also shot using Techniscope, again both are fine, another great double bill night.


                      • #71
                        There's a good description of the Techniscope process here:- Just a pity it died out with Technicolor dye transfer printing.

                        Another good Techniscope double bill would be A Fistfull of Dollars and For a Few Dollars more, but I don't have them on Blu Ray.


                        • #72
                          Ive got both the Dalek films with Peter Cushing on Super 8 - the Walton 4x400ft editions and the colour and sound are still both great - but the Blu ray transfers of both films are stunning - and Ill give them a look again over the weekend.


                          • #73
                            Tonight on Blu-ray using the Panasonic VP


                            • #74
                              Often mentioned as one of "Ealing Studios" forgotten treasures, I fully agree. Filmed on the "West Coast of Scotland" and released back in 1954 "The Maggie" is certainly one of my favorite films. The blu-ray release of it by studio canal is excellent....highly recommend it.
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                              • #75
                                Universal Horror Collection Vol 1 2019

                                Invisible Ray
                                Black Friday
                                The Raven
                                Black Cat

                                A really smashing HD collection this so far watched The Invisible Ray which was superb.
                                Been fan of Lugosi for a lifetime and of course he is very represented on Super 8 thankfully.

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