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What Blu-Ray did you watch last night?

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  • Originally posted by Graham Ritchie View Post
    Hi Osi

    I didn't take any screen shots this time around, but have a couple from a past one "Logan's Run" as a Scope feature on Super 8 is one film I regret not getting back during the good ole Derann days.

    I don't think those following older screen shots are as good as the actual blu-ray image itself.
    Graham, the way you describe the screen shots suggests that the shots above are from the Super 8. The reason I ask is that if the shots above are from Super 8, I am blown away.


    • Sorry Ed

      Definitely not Super 8, wish it was. last night it was a bit of a blast from the past, with "Billy Elliot". I ran the film print at the cinema way back, I think the year was 2000. What I remember the most was how popular the film was, English films seem to do very well out here and this was one of them. To anyone that has never seen it, its very good. Actress Julie Walters was outstanding, as of coarse the story and the rest of the cast.

      Another plus, is the music including a few numbers by T-Rex Picture and sound DTS 5:1 is outstanding. I think looking back, we covered a lot of ground in the number and type of films the cinema ran over the 11 years I was there, something for everyone. .
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      • Forever Classic The Time Machine with Rod Taylor and Weena. Remember having a great print in Super 8 and the Blu Ray doesn’t disappoint either. Nice extra disc with set.
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        • Originally posted by Mike Newell View Post
          Forever Classic The Time Machine with Rod Taylor and Weena. Remember having a great print in Super 8 and the Blu Ray doesn’t disappoint either. Nice extra disc with set.
          This is one a my favorites. The extra, "The Journey Back" was a pleasant surprise.

          The Journey Back includes a newly produced scene between Alan Young and Rod Taylor reprising their characters. It starts well but doesn't add up to much beyond making us wonder why sequels to The Time Machine were never made. With both Rod Tayor and Yvette Mimieux still with us, a sequel would seem a natural, especially in the early '70s when Pal was in a slump and Fox was mining annual pay dirt with its Planet of the Apes series. Pal apparently floated a number of scripts, but nothing ever came about. One reason for this might have been the notion that shows like the Ape series and television's The Time Tunnel had left Pal's simple 'go there - come back' plotting far behind. Science Fiction readers, especially those hip to the mind-warping puzzle tales of (the great, wonderful) Phillip K. Dick books like Ubik and The Man in the High Castle also probably felt that Wells' original story was a great concept that time had made obsolete. It remained for Zemeckis and Gale's clever Back to the Future movies to rediscover and mine the time travel concept for general audiences.

          I found a nice review of the Bluray that says it all:

          Some films are a bit like comfort food, a well-worn T-shirt or a favourite pair of slippers. They just feel warm, they just feel right. Sometimes they’re just what you need when your world’s gone a bit topsy-turvy. George Pal’s The Time Machine – it’s never looked more gorgeous than it does now on Blu Ray – is one such movie. The film, like the famous HG Wells novel it’s based on, is a cornerstone of the science-fiction genre and whilst giant-sized steps in movie technology make some of its visual effects looks a bit quaint and faintly home-spun, it still possesses more charm, humanity and technicolour spectacle than, for example, the dry and arid 2002 remake directed by Simon Wells for all its modern bang and flash. A lesson for us all, perhaps, and especially for today’s imaginatively-bankrupt Hollywood studios.
          Full review:

          I never owned the feature or a digest, but I still have the S8 Trailer!


          • Originally posted by Ed Gordon View Post

            This is one a my favorites. The extra, "The Journey Back" was a pleasant surprise.


            I found a nice review of the Bluray that says it all:

            Full review:

            I never owned the feature or a digest, but I still have the S8 Trailer!
            Funny Ed, I had the feature but never owned the 3x400 digest . I think I saw the trailer at another collectors cinema but it never appeared for me. It not a title (all formats ) that turns up too often for sale. The feature was a gorgeous print. I used it often if people wanted to see a movie.

            I actually liked the remake. Thought first half was great and Guy Pearce was good. The second half was disappointing. Samantha Mumba was a poor choice and I think budget limitations hurt it. Directed Simon Wells the great grandson of HG Wells.


            • James Stewart Naked Spur. I was interested to see this title as it came from Archive Collection source as opposed to usual commercial release source. I’ve had a few of them on DVD with great results. Watched tonight all I can say is WOW Brilliant Print and stunning Sound. Blows you away. Highly Recommended.
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              • An interesting saying on the front cover... "The Longer you watch the less clearly you see".... last night "Eye In The Sky" an interesting look at what we now see on the news these days regarding the use of drones. I mentioned about Helen Mirren not changing much since the 1986 film The Mosquito Coast on the previous page, how true. This also sadly was the last film Alan Rickman was to make, and is mentioned during the end credits.

                "Eye In The Sky" is a gripping and well told story, a blu-ray I would highly recommend, both picture and sound are excellent and projected last night with the Epson VP.
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                • Last night it was "Is Anybody There?" not the first time I have screened it and most likely not the last, some screen shots taken last night.

                  Note... the well known faces in this first one
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                  • Rewatched one of my favorite ghost movies of all time: THE CHANGELING!

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                    • Boy the years have certainly past since I first watched "Dirty Harry", at the time I was down in London for a week, when it was suggested by a girl I new that we go to the cinema one night. We did, and had no idea what film, she picked it well it was "Dirty Harry", I think it was the summer of 1971 or 72 I can't remember exactly I am 70 years old now so I would have been about 19 or 20 at the time

                      Anyway tonight and 50 years on, it was another "Dirty Harry" screening using the Epson VP, tonight single screen shot below.

                      Ah memories .
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                      • High Noon Superb transfer and sound from Eureka plus classic western from Gary Cooper despite what John Wayne thought of it.

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                        • Jumping back to "The Time Machine" I will have to get a blu-ray copy I have only got it on DVD, but feel the upgrade to blu-ray would be well worth it

                          Regarding "High Noon" that's another good one. I did get the German blu-ray release of it a while back with English audio .


                          • I have the super 8 print of High Noon, great print! I happened to like the remake of "The Time Machine", though I understand that it was highly edited. I'd love to see a directors cut of it. Rod Taylor had a cameo in the remake, as the owner of the flower shop near the beginning of the film.


                            • it was Alan Young in the flower shop


                              • Tonight it was the blu-ray "The Hunt For Red October" 1989. I understand its now out on 4K although tonight screen shots are just the blu-ray using once again the Epson VP .
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