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What Blu-Ray did you watch last night?
Originally posted by Graham Ritchie View Post... One thing that I noticed, was how well dressed the extras were in the airport terminal. I guess people were better dressed than they are today.
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Sunday, I watched my favorite Easter movie: Night Of The Lepus, the story of giant man (and woman) eating bunny rabbits on a rampage.
Then I watched Black Sheep, a documentary from New Zealand were I learned all about life down under. For example, here in the USA sheep are pretty docile, but in New Zealand they are meat eaters, devouring any man (or woman) they come across. Worse, if you get bit by one but not killed you will turn into a killer sheep. No more imported lamb chops or wool coats for me.
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Originally posted by Mitchell Dvoskin View PostSunday, I watched my favorite Easter movie: Night Of The Lepus, the story of giant man (and woman) eating bunny rabbits on a rampage.
Then I watched Black Sheep, a documentary from New Zealand were I learned all about life down under. For example, here in the USA sheep are pretty docile, but in New Zealand they are meat eaters, devouring any man (or woman) they come across. Worse, if you get bit by one but not killed you will turn into a killer sheep. No more imported lamb chops or wool coats for me.
Night of the Lepus I remember watching this years ago on 16mm. Never was the same about bunny rabbits 🐰 after it. It is actually quite a decent cast shame about the movie. In the same league as Kingdom of Spiders which Bill Shatner made.
Two nights ago with this double feature, first of with a "dog" called Smitty, an X rental blu-ray which I had never heard of until I picked it up at there closing down sale. What caught my eye was it had Peter Fonda in it, so I thought it cant be bad.
"Smitty" turned out to be a really good film that you can really show anyone. It was just a nice story, going of track a little bit, we did run the re-make of "3:10 To Yuma" that also has Peter Fonda in it. That was another good one. There is a scene in Smitty where his grandson is looking through his old LPs "note" the cover on this below stilla "definite" reference to his "Easy Rider" days. Anyway "Smitty" is a good one for any age.
After a break it was time to watch "Tremors" this was one film up to now I had little interest in watching. Well that thinking was a mistake, I actually enjoyed it a lot, in particular the couple who had built a survival building complete with an impressive armouryto survive the end of days I guess, however it was not built for something coming underground. The amount of firepower of all his weapons, both his wife and her husband used to kill one of those things was really amusing.
Tremors 1989...
I haven't as yet checked yet, but I think the young girl here in "Tremors" went on to do "Jurassic Park"
Last night it was "Darkest Hour" outstanding acting by Gary Oldman of Winston Churchill. One thing I had not realized until I watched it, was how much pressure was on Winston Churchill to find some kind of peace agreement with Germany through Italy. Although he was dead against it, he was being forced to consider it at the time of Dunkirk.
It was only when it was suggested to him, to talk to the "people", he did this by a spur of the moment to travel on the Underground on his own. When he asked around about talks, one small girl caught his attention, when she said to him...never...When he got off the Underground after talking to those he had met, his mind was made up, and any peace talks were scrapped.
I would certainly recommend "Darkest Hour".
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Although I watched "Rambo 3" just lately, my better half didn't, but last night I suggested, why not get away from the TV, and I will put on a Rambo movie instead?mmmmm that sounds like a good idea was the reply.
So it was once again, I have to admit using the Epson VP is a game changer from a TV when watching movies, in particular when they are on the blu-ray here is the "Tank Vs Helicopter" bit, I also like Jerry Goldsmith score,
The Time Travelers 1964 cult American International Sci Fi movie. Great film despite its small budget and production values. This was the basic for later Time Tunnel TV series only miles better. I’ve had the DVD on a four film title disc. The Kino Blu ray is a major upgrade. Superb image and sound like watching a different film. The only extra on the disc is the movie trailer which hasn’t been upgraded and shows the difference.
With our grandson staying with us at the moment I was struggling to think of anything he had not seen. My granddaughter suggested why not put on Super 8 the movie for him. I thought now that's a good idea...will it work though?
Well tonight we watched it, and afterwards I did ask what did you think? that was good, thanks for putting it on. He even wanted to watch the home movie bit during the end credits
Its hard to take in now, that so many years have past since we ran Super 8 at the cinema back in June 2011 according to our old records. I remember we talked about its release on the forum around 11 years or so. Anyway a couple of blu-ray shots I took at a previous screening using the Epson VP.
Saturn 3 cult Sci Fi with Kirk Douglas Farrah Fawcett and a villainous Harvey Keitel who was dubbed when he fell out with producers and wouldn’t do post production. Major upgrade from DVD with a longer running time of 89 minutes instead of 85 minutes and yes for first time Farrah is seen briefly in her poster suspender costume which never featured in the cinema theatrical or television versions.
Print is superior compared to previous releases. Ironically, I searched for the 400ft cutdown on super 8 with no success. This is included as one on the extras on Blu ray and believe it or not it is not a faded or a pink version. Not bad, interesting the opening titles start with theme from Raise the Titanic.
A strange film ahead of its time. Blue Dreamers 42 years ago. Yes, they do refer to what you are thinking. 🥰