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  • Long arms and a paint brush designed to paint behind radiators. A bit difficult to do as one had has a mirror in it to see that I am doing.


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ID:	12281 Here is the result and one of the reasons why I didn't use ladders. A minor trip/fall into those rose bushes would have been very painful. I kept my danger of scratches to picking the first of this year's gooseberries.
      Last edited by Brian Fretwell; June 23, 2020, 08:44 AM.


      • As I was driving back from "town" (pop. 2,400+), I saw a bird on the side of the road. I thought it looked like an owl, so I turned around to look. Sure enough, a "long-eared owl" with a broken wing...I wrapped it in a towel and then brought it up to the Gabbert Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities for rehab....
        Sure hope it can recover and fly again.....a beautiful little bird!
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        • Good Work, Greg!

          We have a number of these rehab centers locally, and they usually have at least one bird that has had a rough encounter with a car.

          We've been to a lot of shows there. The rehabilitator explained how birds imprint: believe they are whatever creature they first see after they hatch.

          -She had a Barn Owl: "He thinks he's a Veterinarian!".


          • Thanks Steve, you are right one about the imprinting...The International Owl Festival in Houston, MN earlier this year supported that idea! I am hoping it can heal and be re-released near our place here where I found it...There is a 250+ acre WMA (Wildlife Management Area) about 400 yards from our home that would be good habitat....will keep you posted on this....


            • Bird imprinting, the theme of several Tom & Jerry cartoons.
              "Are you my mommy?"


              • Most will remember the 1972 film "The Poseidon Adventure" Its interesting to note the "Queen Mary" was used in the film, but also the history of the ship. The "Queen Mary" shown here, in a amazing couple of photos of the ship leaving the Clyde in Scotland in 1936 after being built. Look how narrow the river is? My understanding that both the Queens, because of there speed, never sailed in convoy during the war. Those two ships alone were responsible for carrying thousands of american troops across the Atlantic.

                Anyway here are a couple of photos.
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                The cast of the 1972 film "The Poseidon Adventure"
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                • Also, I have heard, because they could easily sink a small escort vessel without noticing if it was crossing their path.


                  • Great pictures Graham and as you say, the Clyde is so narrow to take a vessel of that size!

                    I visited the National Transport Museum in Glasgow this February which is right on the Clyde - all sorts of vehicle transportation on display from all eras and I highly recommend giving it a visit.

                    It features the Glasgow Subway which is the 3rd oldest in the world! I'll try and post some pictures.



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                          • I took that picture from my kitchen window last 11pm!


                            • Hi Ali

                              I remember back in 1992 on a visit to see my parents in Scotland. I mentioned to my parents about looking around the sights of London on our way back to NZ. There advice was to skip London and see the sights of Glasgow instead. We did exactly that, and the Transport Museum was one of them, that's when it was next to the Kelvin Hall. My wife who is a New Zealander like our children enjoyed our time visiting Glasgow.

                              PS I just had to take my kids to show them the "Scotstoun" primary school in Glasgow I went to, back then boys and girls had a separate school entrance and playgrounds....I bet that has changed....I took a photo in 1992, also one of my son Steven with a can of Irn-bru, that photo taken in Dunoon was our final trip in 1994.

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                              Last edited by Graham Ritchie; June 25, 2020, 03:19 PM.


                              • Well its the middle of winter at the moment, cold, wet and miserable. My son Steven phoned, do you wan't to go to Connor rugby game. My first thought, it will be cancelled due to the weather but no the heavy rain was down to just a windy light rain. What a way to spend a morning standing with a umbrella hoping I was not going to do a Mary Poppins and blow away.

                                I don't no where the kids get there energy from as it was full on. Connor team were being taken to the cleaners by the bigger boys from the opposite side, and by midway through the second half, had three side lined due to injury. However because there numbers were now down, Connor coach spoke to the opposing coach, where he then asked does anyone want to play for the other team?. One kid offered and after putting on the Burnside shirt really surprised most of us there, as he was out to beat his own team mates. I was funny to watch the support from the parents for this kid that we did not know. In the end we still lost big time, but the kids and parents of both teams had a great time. Connor got one of the only two tries, so he was over the moon. I should add we lost count the number of the tries the other team got.... must have been ten or something.

                                Anyway that was my day, I didn't take any photos but the two from last season would look just the same.
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