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I just had to take this one last night of a favorite episode of mine from "Lost In Space" That TV series was one of only a few, I ever watched back in the 1960s, never watched much TV back then, but "Lost In Space" was one. Its great to be able to project it through a video projector these days compared to the we rental B/W tv we had way back then.
The series continued as re-runs in Australia for many many years, and to date still has a strong following out this way
I actually know someone who has a 35mm print of "The War Of The Robots" episode. I never really cared for the series, it was always too goofy especially after it went to color, but this is probably (for me) the best episode after the 2 part premier.
Last night was Advent Vespers from the Chapel at my son's college in Indiana: Choirs, orchestras, bell choirs and readings from the Christmas narratives.
Because it was special, we decided to stream it at home and I plumbed it into my VP and audio mixer. Being that Steven was operating the live-stream and the speakers up by the screen were once my Dad's, we are calling this an inter-generational (-and inter time-zone) production! .
Enjoyed a short seasonal break firstly calling at dear Derek Simmond's resting place in the West Midlands to place some winter foliage on the tree. We try to go twice a year bringing back lots of memories..
Enjoyed a treat on the Santa North Pole illuminated steam train which was a great evening for us both travelling through the countryside. Well it felt a bit like the North Pole outside.
I was hoping to watch a 4x 400' film I purchased at Blackpool, but once I got it out of the box, it became very clear it needed a good clean. So off to work I went with my scrubbing brush and soap (!!!!!!) well, a clean cloth and Cresclean actually, and all four reels now treated. Before viewing, I was going to leave them outside in the back garden for a day to freshen up and get some air to them. As rain was forecast, I decided an open window from my Man Cave would suffice, Hence.......