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Your Today in Pictures...

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  • Most of you should know this movie. While adjusting screen masking, I put this one in for the visuals of the United States, such as the Grand Canyon sequence near the beginning of the film. I continued to select scenes at random and finished with these credits. Pretty much sums up a lot of things going on right now. It also made me think of the last 3 years that I spent with my Dad & Mom. I have no regrets about it. But yes, it was not easy to do.

    For those who have not seen this picture, it's really good. Prepare yourself for something very different. Trust me. The popcorn will find a way to your mouth by itself!


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      • Just to add, regarding Chip above recommendation, it is a "must see" movie. For those in the UK ie "Region B", avoid the umbrella release as it not been re-mastered. I bought a second hand copy on blu-ray and you could make out negative scratches in some parts. I later bought the region B arrow release, which has a restored digital transfer, approved by director Godfrey Reggio, that's the one to go for regarding Region B blu-rays.

        Only thing that could beat it in blu-ray, and that would be to find a nice 35mm print, as the subject matter, would really suit a actual film screening.

        Today I have been charging up a car battery with my old charger I bought many moons ago and seldom use, but in this case the car had been sitting for a long while now, and was reluctant to start the other day. Tomorrow I will check the specific gravity of the cells with my old hydrometer and see what kind of condition the battery is in. Also today included a bit of maintenance on the Ernemann 2 projector, cleaning the filter etc. After soaking it in some petrol for a couple of hours, I gave it a all over light air blast from the compressor.

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        • Hi All,
          I am having an ANT problem. These guys are everywhere in the house. I am trying AntBGone Max, and they seem to love it....but they don't seem to move from the liquid it is sooo goood, and then just die there. It is supposed to take it back to the nest, but i am just getting piles of dead ants. Maybe some are getting back.... May be a big nest and will take a while longer....

          This looks like a movie poster for a good ANT Horror..."The Ant Man Cometh" .Plot: Ants take over a urban neighbourhood, biting sleeping victims and turning them into ANT People ......
          I need to get rid of these things. They seem most active in the evenings....
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          • Mathew,

            Sounds like the film within a film from Matinee!


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            • I had an Ant problem.

              My Uncles couldn't stand them either!

              Thank You! I'm here every Thursday! (Don't forget to tip your waitresses!)


              • Solar: 1970s Style!

                I have a small collection of miniature engines: couple of stationary steam engines, a live steam locomotive, a steam truck and some Sterling Cycle air engines. This was one of my hobbies when I was roughly mid-teens. Then I got my first car and it was pushed back, then I got a serious girlfriend and it died. (Today, I have a gas heating burner in the basement...does this count?)

                These last weeks, I have been de-shelving them and putting them back in business.

                One of the ones I have is this: (Yes: It's an engine. NOT a Ray-Gun!)
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                Today is a spectacular Spring day, with a bright sun and blue sky: this is the perfect day for this one. The joy of it is these are so simple, even after about 30 years on a shelf in the basement, a little polishing of the mirror was all it took to come back to life.

                It's not exactly a ringing endorsement for Solar power: every time a cloud rolls past, it either slows down or just goes on Siesta entirely!

                It happens that this is my wife's favorite in my collection. The others operate on "odorless" stove fuel ("odorless": Hah! Hah!) and apparently stink up the entire neighborhood!


                • My early picture house days growing up in Glasgow until I was 12 was going with friends every Saturday morning to the Odeon in Whiteinch, Glasgow. I guess that's where my interested started I came across a couple of photos on the internet. One being the Odeon in its good time the other when it closed.

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                  • May Snow Storm

                    The plants are out, the trees have leaves: I cut the lawn today.

                    -then I looked out the window and saw THIS:

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                    -and as we're out there in the frigid wind grabbing the plants to bring into the house, this thought flashed through my head:

                    "I drained the gas out of the snowblower a month ago!"

                    Fortunately it didn't come to that: 15 minutes later the snow stopped, the Sun came out and it was Spring again!


                    • Steve that looks yuk, I am sure the weather patterns world wide for a while now have changed to the more extreme.


                      • It was the kind of thing that if it was February and saw that out the window, I'd wonder if I was going to work tomorrow...

                        Then again it's May, and I'm sure I'm not!


                        • I was looking at photos of the tides taken on a Facebook page regarding the West coast of Scotland just a while ago. I had never seen that kind of high water and flooding before. It did make me wonder what is going on.


                          • Last night I decided not to watch any movies, but instead to just chill out and listen to old LPs, one being from the 1980s "Fleetwood Mac" Greatest hits.

                            While chilling out and watching the little flashing LEDs they reminded me from my cinema days, the special Christmas offer from Osram, that if we bought some Xenon lamps they would throw in these LEDs. The thing was, we did have enough spare lamps, however, my thinking was, well we do use them up, so ordered another spare, they change color and flash, pretty good eh!
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                            • Splicing up some of the nine reels for the next film show. I must admit, it would be easier to put a silver disc in the blu-ray player than do all this

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