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Wolverine-Hawkeye Telecine

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  • Stan, I will need to reference my files. Looks like I didn't file everything where they should be. If you are referring to the dimensions of the descending part, I just measured it at 13x13 mm.

    This was the process. Rather than check the printer for calibration, I just printed the part. I measured the mask margins in IC Measure and added or subtracted as much to align the left and right margins. I would check for movement of the part in place, and estimated how much to adjust it. I was always adding until it snapped in and could still be easily removed. This made the margin adjustments more accurate.

    This mask can be left in place. It will not fall out even it the gate is opened. I will add a Reg8 version. In that case where it will be changed out, it would be useful to have the handle that Kamel's version has.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Annotation 2020-08-31 135335.jpg
Views:	438
Size:	40.3 KB
ID:	16053

    In the end I tested my printer by printing a 100mm cube. The printed cube measured 100mm!


    • Great work both of you. Thank you for for helping out. I already sent out David's version to be printed out at Shapeways. Will see how it fits and then will adjust as required.


      • Hello Stan,
        What do you think of this camera board?
        Could it work with the hawkeye? I would like to upgrade to 4K but the IC camera is a bit expensive (600 € in france).


        • Hi Kamel, Studied the board camera a bit and have one major concern. One nasty word describes it -- pink glow.
          This camera has high CRA (32 degrees) which indicates that the camera is designed for short focal lengths like the ones used in cellphones.
          One of the camera tech guys is supposed to call me to discuss the issue. Will see how that goes.

          The 16mm lens that we use has CRA = 17 degrees. For best results the lens CRA should match the sensor CRA.

          Last edited by Stan Jelavic; September 01, 2020, 12:19 PM.


          • Kamel, I like the handle on your mask. I printed it and the captured image is offset as seen in the pictures. I know you are probably still working on this and final adjustments can be time consuming. I used IC Measure (it needs to be calibrated too!) to finalize the image margins.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	smpte.jpg
Views:	439
Size:	132.2 KB
ID:	16078 Click image for larger version

Name:	smpte_mask.jpg
Views:	420
Size:	116.8 KB
ID:	16079

            So much for my printer calibration at the time of this mask file. Precision with these small pieces might be difficult to achieve across different printers.

            I think Shapeways should be able to print to match the model. My printer is not likely consistent.

            Stan, I measured the model that I posted and found the Y axis was not calibrated. The printed raised part measures 13 x 13, but the model shows 13.25. 0.25mm should be easy to file down if necessary.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Gate-Mask S8 v05.jpg
Views:	406
Size:	103.8 KB
ID:	16080


            • Thanks David. I actually measured my gate at 12 and 12.25 and reduced the dims by 1mm. Maybe it will be too loose - will see.


              • Thanks Stan,
                Indeed, I was not sure about the compatibility of this camera board.
                Thank you for taking the time to advise me.

                Thanks David,
                Yes I have not yet finalized the centering of the hole because,
                I am still waiting for my 16mm aico lens (ordered for 1 month and still not received).
                But your tests, measurements and remarks help me a lot.


                • No problem Kamel. e-consystems informed me that the sensor might work with the 16mm lens. They are checking into it. If this works I will have some additional questions for the supplier:
                  - iHDR performance and sample images
                  - FTS for still images
                  - image sequence grab

                  Mechanically, the camera should fit Hawkeye but the mounting holes would have to be moved. Not a big deal. Also a new trigger cable. I am already looking at USB3 interconnect so that can be reused. If this works out then we go with V13. For existing V12 boards we can do a small adapter board.

                  E-consystems got back to me and say that the camera should work with any M12 lens. I am still concerned and will ask them about the CRA difference.
                  Last edited by Stan Jelavic; September 02, 2020, 10:03 AM.


                  • V12 boards update. Qty 5 boards about half done. Should be complete towards the end of the week. Going by the spreadsheet 4 people are interested in getting them.

                    In any case, please let me know if still interested.


                    • Kamel I think AICO does not inventory this lens. When ordered they begin the fabrication. My order also took several weeks, shipping was 3 days!


                      • Looks like this motor may work for capstan:

                        HDR camera update:
                        e-con are recommending these:

                        The issue is lower resolution. But I do not see that as a big issue because I never saw that much difference between 1280x1024 and 2000x1500 on my large monitor. These cameras have HDR mode and in theory should be simpler to use than the current HDR sw solution.

                        TIS also recommended this model DFK 33UX252

                        It is very expensive though, close to $900 and it will not fit the current setup.

                        More cameras available from TIS with multi exposure support:
                        Don't think any of these will fit. Pulling the board out of the enclosure may cause heat issue and may require custom heatsink. The prices are pretty steep also.
                        Last edited by Stan Jelavic; September 03, 2020, 12:08 PM.


                        • Thank you Stan for all of this information.
                          I think the 4k model more interesting because the sensor has a greater dynamic range... Thinking

                          BTW : I just found some software that looks good for post production ... Not yet tested.

                          Studio Transfert V2



                          • Are you referring back to this model Kamel:

                            That sensor has only 37dB of SNR (small pixel size) and e-con did not recommend it. They recommended the other ones that I listed above. Also according to them the iHDR for that model is done in sw and not on chip.


                            • Yes Stan, that was the model I was thinking of.
                              But you're right, it's better to take a lower resolution if the sensor has better dynamics.
                              This is why your advice is so precious.

                              I was just thinking of upgrading hawkeye to 4k.
                              Finally, the IS camera we have is not a bad choice (good value for money).
                              Last edited by Kamel Ikhlef; September 03, 2020, 02:59 PM.


                              • I was concerned about noisy shadows. But it looks like the SNR is very close to the BUC02 so this camera may work when used with our HDR software solution. So you get your 4K and HDR.
                                It may be possible to test it for less money. This arducam uses the same series sensor.

