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Wolverine-Hawkeye Telecine

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  • Here is another HDR side -by-side clip using the DFM 37UX226-ML (sony sensor) and Enfuse.

    The clip is to show the dynamic range difference but Jason you can also have a look at color balance. It is pretty good but obviously more money.


    • Hi Stan, that is very impressive, really loving this HDR, for open source its exceptionally good.
      Thanks Stan and to Mattias for all hard work.
      Regards - Bruce


      • Thanks Bruce. It does work very well. The exposure set in the hdr app is 100 for auto reference and 3 for IncLow. BTW, I don't think the hdr MSP fw will work for the board that you have Bruce because in that older version the camera sync is not controlled by the MSP.
        BTW - you can add the trigger cct to the board by adding a transistor and a few components on a separate small breadboard.
        Last edited by Stan Jelavic; July 27, 2020, 02:22 PM.


        • Here is the new version of HDR app. Added the load and save config to it plus cleaned it up a bit. Also expanded the file.

          Here is another clip post-processed by the Fred script.

          Last edited by Stan Jelavic; July 27, 2020, 03:00 PM.


          • I'm a bit behind, but all these ideas look great. I will need to read thru all these posts again.

            Stan, I have a problem/question and I hope the answer just jumps off the page. I've spent some time working with the TI launchpad. I finally had success when I realized the MSP that came with the kit is different than the one we are using. I swapped the chips and I'm stuck.

            The longer chip came with the launchpad. It had some simple errors and then worked. None like the one below.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20200727_164816378.jpg
Views:	581
Size:	410.3 KB
ID:	14247

            I can't understand the error message unless it means this chip is not compatible. I've copied it into notepad so it wraps.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	CodeComStudio.jpg
Views:	581
Size:	118.9 KB
ID:	14248


            • Your launchpad board looks different from mine Dave but don't think that is the issues. Looks like you are trying to reuse my workspace but the path does not seem to be right. The path has a comma in it.
              Another issue may be that now you have two workspaces. V10 from your earlier experiment and my V9.
              .temp file is the culprit.

              Here is a possible fix.
              Shut down CCS.
              Delete or rename V10 workspace dir.
              Save my V9 (not within V10).
              Now open up CCS and point to V9.

              And that should do it.
              Last edited by Stan Jelavic; July 27, 2020, 08:49 PM.


              • I did get now Enfuse 4.2 to work with my camera capture files i did use imagemagick to change gamma on my low and high exposure capture files before i use enfuse

                here is my .bat script file first imagemagick convert raw Y8 Low and High exposure tiff image to .pgm image and then Fast gpu debayer convert and debayer it to .ppm image then imagemagick change gamma and convert to .tiff image then enfuse merge low and high exposure to hdr .tiff image and last imagemagick do auto level on the tiff and then output it to image sequence folder

                remember to change where you want to have a temp folder
                DEL /Q "D:\Temp\*.*"
                and everywhere you see D:\Temp you have to change to your temp folder location
                everything inside temp folder gets deleted on every loop

                SET Input_PATCH1=D:\Low_Exposure
                SET Input_PATCH2=D:\High_Exposure
                SET OUTPUT_PATCH=D:\Output
                SET Low=1.0
                SET High=1.0
                SET Low_Exposure_Gamma=2.0
                SET High_Exposure_Gamma=3.0
                SET start=0
                SET end=3629
                FOR /L %%i IN (%start%,1,%end%) DO (CALL :loopbody "%%i")
                GOTO :eof
                convert "%Input_PATCH1%\image%1.tiff" "D:\Temp\imageLow%1.pgm"
                convert "%Input_PATCH2%\image%1.tiff" "D:\Temp\imageHigh%1.pgm"
                fast_debayer.exe -i "D:\Temp\imageLow%1.pgm" -type MG -pattern RGGB -R %Low% -G1 %Low% -G2 %Low% -B %Low% -d 0 -o "D:\Temp\imageLow%1.ppm"
                fast_debayer.exe -i "D:\Temp\imageHigh%1.pgm" -type MG -pattern RGGB -R %High% -G1 %High% -G2 %High% -B %High% -d 0 -o "D:\Temp\imageHigh%1.ppm"
                convert "D:\Temp\imageLow%1.ppm" -gamma %Low_Exposure_Gamma% "D:\Temp\imageLow%1.tiff"
                convert "D:\Temp\imageHigh%1.ppm" -gamma %High_Exposure_Gamma% "D:\Temp\imageHigh%1.tiff"
                enfuse.exe --soft-mask --exposure-weight=1.0 --saturation-weight=0.2 --contrast-weight=0.0 --entropy-weight=0.0 --exposure-optimum=0.4 --exposure-width=0.2 -v -o "D:\Temp\HDR%1.tiff" "D:\Temp\imageLow%1.tiff" "D:\Temp\imageHigh%1.tiff"
                convert "D:\Temp\HDR%1.tiff" -normalize "%OUTPUT_PATCH%\image%1.tiff"
                DEL /Q "D:\Temp\*.*"
                GOTO :eof

                here is the same .bat script without Fast gpu debayer

                SET Input_PATCH1=D:\Low_Exposure
                SET Input_PATCH2=D:\High_Exposure
                SET OUTPUT_PATCH=D:\Output
                SET Low_Exposure_Gamma=1.0
                SET High_Exposure_Gamma=1.0
                SET start=0
                SET end=3629
                FOR /L %%i IN (%start%,1,%end%) DO (CALL :loopbody "%%i")
                GOTO :eof
                convert "%Input_PATCH1%\image%1.tiff" -gamma %Low_Exposure_Gamma% "D:\Temp\imageLow%1.tiff"
                convert "%Input_PATCH2%\image%1.tiff" -gamma %High_Exposure_Gamma% "D:\Temp\imageHigh%1.tiff"
                enfuse.exe --soft-mask --exposure-weight=1.0 --saturation-weight=0.2 --contrast-weight=0.0 --entropy-weight=0.0 --exposure-optimum=0.4 --exposure-width=0.2 -v -o "D:\Temp\HDR%1.tiff" "D:\Temp\imageLow%1.tiff" "D:\Temp\imageHigh%1.tiff"
                convert "D:\Temp\HDR%1.tiff" -normalize "%OUTPUT_PATCH%\image%1.tiff"
                DEL /Q "D:\Temp\*.*"
                GOTO :eof
                you maybe need to add the directory where all the command line tools are like convert.exe enfuse.exe fast_debayer.exe to windows PATH like this
                example i did add this line to windows PATH ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Enfuse

                and you have to create a shortcut for cmd.exe and add path where the .bat file is like in this picture then i double click on the cmd shortcut then it runs the .bat file

                i did try only have a .bat file and double click on it to run but that does not work for me so i did do like this and it works

                Click image for larger version  Name:	Shortcut_CMD.jpg Views:	0 Size:	85.3 KB ID:	14271
                Last edited by Mattias Norberg; July 28, 2020, 09:44 AM.


                • Wow that is quite a bit of work Mattias. Can you share the results with us?
                  Also a reminder. If you need the V12 please review the list:

                  Add or delete your name. I am also pretty flexible in providing different options. Let me know if you need the parts only, partially populated board or new capstan.

                  - The complete kit (without Movie Maker) - $135 (it is quite a bit of work)
                  - Parts only - just cover my costs and shipping
                  - Partially populated board - will check if there is enough interest
                  - Capstan - I have a working version that sounds a beep and shuts the stepper down when jam detected - any interest? Looks like the motors are available again.


                  • here are some HDR examples no denoise or color correction

                    Avisynth_Gamma_Change = the new change i did to my avisynth script i did add the RGBAdjust(rg=1.4, gg=1.4, bg=1.4)

                    Avisynth_NO_Gamma_Change = this is the way i have done hdr for years

                    Enfuse = Enfuse + the imagemagick auto level

                    now enfuse works best for me

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	1_Avisynth_Gamma_Change.jpg Views:	0 Size:	122.4 KB ID:	14293

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	1_Avisynth_NO_Gamma_Change.jpg Views:	0 Size:	107.3 KB ID:	14294

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	1_Enfuse.jpg Views:	0 Size:	94.8 KB ID:	14295

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	2_Avisynth_Gamma_Change.jpg Views:	0 Size:	82.7 KB ID:	14296

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	2_Avisynth_NO_Gamma_Change.jpg Views:	0 Size:	66.2 KB ID:	14297

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	2_Enfuse.jpg Views:	0 Size:	105.7 KB ID:	14298

                    3_Avisynth_Gamma_ChangeClick image for larger version  Name:	3_Avisynth_Gamma_Change.jpg Views:	0 Size:	85.5 KB ID:	14299

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	3_Avisynth_NO_Gamma_Change.jpg Views:	0 Size:	64.6 KB ID:	14300

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	3_Enfuse.jpg Views:	0 Size:	99.4 KB ID:	14301

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	4_Avisynth_Gamma_Change.jpg Views:	0 Size:	102.6 KB ID:	14302

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	4_Avisynth_NO_Gamma_Change.jpg Views:	0 Size:	87.0 KB ID:	14303

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	4_Enfuse.jpg Views:	0 Size:	118.4 KB ID:	14304
                    Last edited by Mattias Norberg; July 28, 2020, 03:38 PM.


                    • Good work Mattias. Was it autolevels all that you needed to get it to work?


                      • Originally posted by Stan Jelavic View Post
                        Good work Mattias. Was it autolevels all that you needed to get it to work?
                        it was only gamma i did need to pump up on low exposure 2.0 and on high exposure 3.0 so Low and High exposure match better together like this

                        convert.exe =

                        convert.exe "%Input_PATCH1%\image%1.tiff" -gamma 2.0 "D:\Temp\imageLow%1.tiff"
                        convert.exe "%Input_PATCH2%\image%1.tiff" -gamma 3.0 "D:\Temp\imageHigh%1.tiff"
                        Enfuse HDR merge image is very flat looking so i use imagemagick to autolevel it like this

                        convert.exe "D:\Temp\HDR%1.tiff" -normalize "%OUTPUT_PATCH%\image%1.tiff"
                        -normalize = some kind of auto levels you can read more here about it and other functions imagemagick has

                        i maybe post soon a new faster sprocket hole align avisynth script it´s about 2 times faster

                        i did test this to but it did not work any good on sprocket hole

                        i did use this guide
                        but Cpfind.exe did not manage to find control points on the sprocket hole maybe it´s gamma here to that needs to change for it to work
                        i did work when i did add manually the control points on the sprocket hole
                        Last edited by Mattias Norberg; July 29, 2020, 07:47 PM.


                        • Hi all,

                          I must say I am impressed over the work you have done here.

                          I have tried a lot of different ideas to get my (fathers!!) box of Super8 films digitized. From building the system in Lego, via using stepper motors from old CD-drives, dismantle our old Eumig projector, trying flatbed-scanners and printed my own telecine in 3D. But I have not succeeded before.

                          So now I have ordered a Wolverine (1st. gen), and I have placed my name on your list Stan. I really hope that this time I will manage to digitize the reels!

                          I have read the manual and through the posts a couple of times, and just to be ready when the board is ready I thought I should order what I need in advance.

                          In the manual you suggest DFM 72BUC02-ML with 12 mm f2.8 lens.

                          But in the discussion I see that you have tested dfm37ux226ml. And that it would be a good combination with a 16mm lens.

                          Did you conclude? I think it would be wise to order a 4K camera probably?

                          And I understand that I need a combination of camera, lens holder and lens that works well together.

                          I probably also need to buy some spacers (lens holders) in different lengths?

                          Reading through all of the posts I see that you for the most are Windows users. I use mainly Mac and Linux. But at least if I am to run the HDR program I see that I have to buy a Windows PC as well… And it seems that IC capture is a Windows program.

                          Finally, do the Hawkeye send a trigger signal to the camera, or do you send a signal via the USB to the IC capture program when a picture is to be taken?

                          Kind regards,
                          Jarle Igeltjørn


                          • when i did install Hugin i did get align_image_stack.exe and it works very good to align one Low Exposure and one High exposure image like this

                            it use the hole image to align this is not for sprocket hole align

                            align_image_stack.exe -a Align --use-given-order "D:\High_Exposure\image5.tiff" "D:\Low_Exposure\image5.tiff"
                            in this code example the output is Align0000.tiff=High_Exposure and Align0001.tiff=Low_Exposure and the output files comes to the directory you run the align_image_stack.exe

                            i did add align_image_stack.exe to my windows PATH then the out put files comes to my windows user directory when i run it in .bat file loop
                            not sure if it´s possible to change that output directory :/

                            i put the new faster Avisynth script Sprocket hole Align here to

                            return sprocketAlign(a,8,3683) #8=what image all other images is going to align to 3683=the number of images in the film
                            function sprocketAlign(clip c1,int frame,int time_frames)
                            c = Interleave(c2, c1)
                            cc2=c2.crop(4,30,-1500,-30) #use this to Crop so only sprocket hole is in the picture
                            a_ref=cc2.greyscale().tweak(cont=1.09).MT_binarize (threshold=228).GaussianBlur(VarY=5).mt_edge("min/max",thY1=10, thY2=10, thC1=0, thC2=0, Y=3, U=2, V=2)
                            cc1=c1.crop(4,30,-1500,-30) #use this to Crop so only sprocket hole is in the picture
                            b_ref=cc1.greyscale().tweak(cont=1.09).MT_binarize (threshold=228).GaussianBlur(VarY=5).mt_edge("min/max",thY1=10, thY2=10, thC1=0, thC2=0, Y=3, U=2, V=2)
                            c_ref = Interleave(a_ref, b_ref)
                            mdata = DePanEstimate(c_ref,trust=0.01,dxmax=0,dymax=250)
                            c_stab = DePanInterleave(c, data=mdata,info=false)
                            b_stab = c_stab.SelectEvery(6, 2)
                            #return StackHorizontal(b_ref,a_ref) # Use this to adjust the Low and High exposure so they look about the same
                            return b_stab
                            enable return StackHorizontal(b_ref,a_ref) inside sprocketAlign function and disable return b_stab and see if you can see only the sprocket hole in the picture if not you need to tweak things like

                            MT_binarize (threshold=228)
                            mt_edge("min/max",thY1=10, thY2=10, thC1=0, thC2=0, Y=3, U=2, V=2)

                            here is more info about Align_image_stack.exe

                            i did find how to change the output when i run Align_image_stack.exe in .bat loop file

                            i did change this "Start In" like in the picture i did change it to D:\Temp
                            Click image for larger version  Name:	start_in.jpg Views:	0 Size:	48.5 KB ID:	14422

                            i put my .bat file code here to it align the Low and High exposure and change Gamma and use Enfuse to merge to hdr and do auto levels in one go
                            it does not align Sprocket hole that i must use avisynth

                            SET Input_PATCH1=D:\Low_Exposure
                            SET Input_PATCH2=D:\High_Exposure
                            SET OUTPUT_PATCH=D:\Output
                            SET Low_Exposure_Gamma=2.0
                            SET High_Exposure_Gamma=3.0
                            SET start=0
                            SET end=75
                            FOR /L %%i IN (%start%,1,%end%) DO (CALL :loopbody "%%i")
                            GOTO :eof
                            copy "%Input_PATCH1%\image%1.tiff" "D:\Temp\Low.tiff"
                            copy "%Input_PATCH2%\image%1.tiff" "D:\Temp\High.tiff"
                            align_image_stack.exe -a Align --use-given-order "D:\Temp\High.tiff" "D:\Temp\Low.tiff"
                            convert "D:\Temp\Align0001.tif" -gamma %Low_Exposure_Gamma% "D:\Temp\imageLow%1.tiff"
                            convert "D:\Temp\Align0000.tif" -gamma %High_Exposure_Gamma% "D:\Temp\imageHigh%1.tiff"
                            enfuse.exe --soft-mask --exposure-weight=1.0 --saturation-weight=0.2 --contrast-weight=0.0 --entropy-weight=0.0 --exposure-optimum=0.4 --exposure-width=0.2 -v -o "D:\Temp\HDR%1.tiff" "D:\Temp\imageLow%1.tiff" "D:\Temp\imageHigh%1.tiff"
                            convert "D:\Temp\HDR%1.tiff" -normalize "%OUTPUT_PATCH%\image%1.tiff"
                            DEL /Q "D:\Temp\*.*"
                            GOTO :eof
                            remember to change where you want to have a temp folder
                            DEL /Q "D:\Temp\*.*"
                            and everywhere you see D:\Temp you have to change to your temp folder location
                            everything inside temp folder gets deleted on every loop
                            and in the cmd.exe shortcut "Start In"
                            Last edited by Mattias Norberg; July 30, 2020, 07:39 PM.


                            • Sorry for breaking up the thread Mattias. Just wanted to get back to Jarle

                              First of all thank you very much for the nice comments.
                              This is a team accomplishment.
                              I am still investigating the UX226 and will try the 16 mm and do the side-by-side video vs 12mm.
                              The trigger comes from the Hawkeye board and the timing can be changed in FW.
                              If you decide to go with the UX226 I will send you the parts info (camera, holder, spacers etc).

                              Currently the Hawkeye kit comes with the spacers but these are for the BUC02. Not a big deal anyways.
                              I can send you the spacers with the kit once we decide what camera to use.

                              Linux should also work. IC Capture runs on Linux and HDR program I did can be converted to python or C++.
                              I can look into that once all of this other stuff is out of the way.


                              • Thank you for the answer Stan,
                                I will just wait a bit to decide for a camera.
                                Dont use time on the Linux bit - Windows goes fine for me as well.
                                This will be exiting!

