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What Blu-Ray did you watch last night?

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    • That’s the one. What is quality like on titles?


      • excellent nice and clear beautiful Colour a Australia Umbrella Release


        • Originally posted by Edward Nicielnik View Post
          excellent nice and clear beautiful Colour a Australia Umbrella Release
          Thank You. 😁😁


          • I must be nuts to watch it again so soon after its last home screening, but it is a good Saturday night movie I never tire of. I am still hoping that Universal will release the 3D version onto blu-ray soon..
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            • Will Jaws in 3D be coming to Bluray?

              by Dean Newman
              September 16, 2022

              Go on, be honest, you never thought that you needed to see Jaws in 3D, but now that has all changed.

              Now you need it on your shelf next to your 12 other copies of the film on Betamax, VHS, laser disk, DVD, Bluray or 4K.

              For many, Jaws and 3D uttered in the same sentence was rarely a conversation badge of quality - whether that was about the content of the film or the quality of the 3D film.

              The third Jaws installment – released in 1983 and directed by Joe Alves - was shot in 3D, but the 3D process is different now than it was back in 1983, for starters there are none of those red and green cardboard glasses and 3D done well looks far better than it ever did.

              Sadly, it remains to be confirmed if the 3D version of Jaws for home purchase will ever see the light of day, but with 50th anniversary just around the corner you never know your look, although Universal we’d love to see it in our stockings this holiday season if you please.

              And Jaws isn't the first Steven Spielberg monster hit to get the 3D conversion treatment, that almost touchable prize goes to Jurassic Park (1993). It was reported that Spielberg was so impressed with James Cameron's post conversion of Titanic (1997) that he greenlit the same company to take on the dinosaurs of Isla Nublar. Although remember it’s only an Isla if you look at it from the water.

              That was another Universal picture and E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial has also benefitted from a transfer to IMAX or Real D 3D just like Jaws.

              Perhaps those successful transfers could pave the way for other older Spielberg projects from other studios, such as Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) or Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) to get the same treatment. The latter perhaps making the most commercial sense with Indiana Jones 5 on the horizon.

              Jaws getting a release in 3D almost 50 years after it was first released is just following in the tradition of another Universal creature feature, Creature From The Black Lagoon (1954).

              That was originally released in 3D and, according to IMDB, its Director Jack Arnold claimed that his main goal in the making of this film was to create a sense of dread. Arnold said: "It plays upon a basic fear that people have about what might be lurking below the surface of any body of water. You know the feeling when you are swimming and something brushes your legs down there - it scares the hell out of you if you don't know what it is. It's the fear of the unknown. I decided to exploit this fear as much as possible."

              Sound familiar to anyone? Both films also have an old sea captain joining the crew in their quest. the monster is not shown until the middle of the movie, and Creature and Jaws have a beautiful woman who goes swimming and is stalked.

              The scene where Kay is treading water near the surface of the lagoon and entices the creature is similar to the opening attack scene of Chrissie Watkins.​

              Click image for larger version  Name:	bergman.jpg Views:	0 Size:	198.3 KB ID:	68006
              And, it turns out Ingmar Bergman watched Black Lagoon every year on his birthday, here he is taking a closer look at Bruce the mechanical shark.
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              Last edited by Ed Gordon; October 30, 2022, 01:54 PM.


              • Thanks Ed I have quite a list of films I would like to see converted to 3D "Aliens" would be one "Blade Runner" being another. I have been impressed with the ones I have watched so far. The original "Wizard Of Oz" was one of the best.

                Here is hoping.
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                • It would be interesting to see the original Blade Runner in 3D. The opening of Blade Runner which as I recall was the last major film to use analog special effects. The fires were real, and special effects set caught fire (after they had the scene "in the can"). Here is the opening scene I am talking about:
                  They did release Blade Runner 2049 in 3D

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                  I got this one after seeing the movie in 2D at a local AMC with a large screen. I don't know if it was the movie, or the theatre, but the whole presentation was on the dark side. I have not watched the 3D Bluray yet, but the reviews on Amazon are underwhelming.


                  • Mark Kermode wrote in one of his books that the most common reasons look too dark in cinemas is because the people running it have not bothered to take the polarising filters off the projector when changing from a 3D film to a 2D one.

                    The price of not having a real projectionist on site?


                    • Hi Ed

                      I did watch the blu-ray 3D a while back, cant remember to much about it for some reason. I don't think it had the "wow" factor in the conversion compared with Jurassic Park and some others and that's probably why it didn't leave its mark. I again watched 2049, as just the normal 2D on the Epson and thought it was a good movie, a nice follow on from the original. The effects certainly looked great, story wise that was really good to. .

                      Regarding brightness on the 2D blu-ray it looked fine to me, it might be a we bit on the dark side but nothing I would have thought as to dark


                      • Its hard to believe its been now 15 years since I ran this film during the school holidays. I still remember doing the schedule for those holidays and cramming in as many sessions of Mr Bean as possible. I took the gamble, that there were more people like me who like Mr Bean. Two days before the holidays were to kick in the numbers for the prior Thursday and Friday were not that great. So here was me with all those screenings in the schedule to, I was starting to think, I have made a "boo boo". Well on the first actual day of the holidays, being the Saturday "Mr Bean's Holiday" took of, one session after another was doing really well, with some being totally sold out earlier.

                        It was a great relief to, with only a running time of 1hr 28minutes it really was brilliant film to schedule. Needless to say it did very well indeed for those holidays, the feedback also was great. One scene you can see in this attached you-tube video, is where Mr Bean is just about to catch up with the ute, when the dog jumps out at him. From the projection room I used to like watching the effect of that moment, people really did jump, it worked every time, plus I used to turn up the monitor on that music number, it was brilliant I really liked it.

                        Anyway I watched the blu-ray tonight using the Panasonic VP, here are a couple of screen shots from one of my previous ones.
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                        • Every so often, if I am in the right frame of mind to watch a film that I have seen a few times before tonight was it with "Airport 75" The picture quality with this French blu-ray is very good, I just have to go to the menu at the start to select "original" soundtrack in English that is
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                          • I started (too late to watch it all) on Gone with the Wind, up to the burning of King Kong's Skull Island compound - sorry I meant Georgia. I have to say that the Blu-ray quality is much better than the scandalous 70mm blow up/cropped for height print I saw in the early 1980's. The rest today I hope.


                            • Originally posted by Brian Fretwell View Post
                              I started (too late to watch it all) on Gone with the Wind, up to the burning of King Kong's Skull Island compound - sorry I meant Georgia. I have to say that the Blu-ray quality is much better than the scandalous 70mm blow up/cropped for height print I saw in the early 1980's. The rest today I hope.
                              That’s about the halfway mark Brian. It actually gets better from there onwards . I alway thought it was way too long. I was offered a 8mm copy for around £100 years ago. No other takers and was tempted to buy and edit it down.


                              • Well tonight my better half wanted to watch a certain movie "cant remember the name of it now" but after around ten minutes of it, I was getting bored shortly after I asked?, do you still wanted to watch this? not really was the reply. I have got something better, trust me, I said, well no guesses what I picked, bottom earlier screen shot says it all Yvonne has been avoiding this one for a while now, not really interested in it.

                                I said give it a go? well afterwards it did turn out to be a success certainly much more than the one we were going to watch, boy I can pick out good movies..

                                Certainly got my money worth out of this "Imprint" release.

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