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What Blu-Ray did you watch last night?

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  • Watched this blu-ray on the Epson tonight, I cant believe I screened it at the cinema way back in 2004 where did all those years go . Anyway every so often a odd ball movie comes along that I like, and Lemony Snicket is one of them. I still have the 35mm trailer for it and its a good one brilliant graphic end credits .

    Screen shots are from tonight. excellent picture and sound
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    • White Christmas. A disc i got for Dad just before he passed on full of memories.

      Got the 4K of Its a Wonderful life so a restful night enjoying that.


      • Well folks its New Years Eve at the moment, with only less than 4 hours to go until midnight, so as tradition every year at this time its "The Poseidon Adventure". Just finished screening the blu-ray so that's it for me this year. "Happy New Year" everyone .
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        • Well it was right back to the start of it all last night A while back I came across the 4K plus Blu-ray discs in a second hand shop, for I think it was $15 dollars. Even though I don't have a 4K video projector or 4K player I could not resist buying it

          What I did screen last night, was the blu-ray that came with it, and I must say it looked pretty good on the Epson VP. The only thing better than last night that I have watched, is the 3D blu-ray version, that is truly is an amazing experience using the Epson.

          Anyway here are some quick screen shots from just the "blu-ray" disc that came with the 4K.
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          • Dead Calm Great Aussie thriller with Sam Neill, Nicole Kidman and Billy Zane. Made for very little before fame hit the three actors. Billy Zane is the best as the psycho. Nicole is good too as we are accustomed to with her movies she manages to lose her clothes for standard butt and cleavage shot. Billy Zane also gets into the act. Sam is less wooden than normal . more Pine than great Oak Jurassic.

            Interestingly the rights to the book were bought from Orsen Welles estate he had spent 3 years trying to make it into a movie always running out of money. His version was called The Deep starring Laurence Harvey. It was never finished. It was shot part in black and white and part in colour. Would be interesting to see that version.
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            • Regarding "Jurassic Park", watch this on the Graham Norton show. Its very funny, and the only time I have heard Graham Norton use the "f" word .


              • Very funny Graham. Yes , unusual for Graham Norton to use F word. Jonathan Ross all the time.


                • Le Boucher Tense psychological thriller from 1970 about the relationship of a butcher and a teacher in a small village in France. Introduced to it nearly 50 years ago as part of French studies. Made a change from SNCF 16mm film travelogues. Well worth a watch. If you don’t want to speculate on the Blu ray. Daily Telegraph did a free DVD version which can be found on eBay. The Blu ray is better but being Daily Telegraph the DVD version is also a cracker print. Very Hitchcock or DePalma

                  One of Claude Chabrol s most acclaimed psychological thrillers, Le Boucher stars the director s wife Stéphane Audran as Hélène, the repressed headmistress of a small village school. At a wedding, she strikes up a conversation with the local butcher Popaul (Jean Yanne), which leads to a hesitant, strictly chaste courtship, emotionally hampered not just by their social differences but by her memories of an unsuccessful past romance and his traumatic experience of conflict in Indochina and Algeria. Things come to a head when women are found dead in assorted rural pleasure spots, and Hélène has to confront the very real possibility that Popaul might be the murderer. But is it a case of mistaken identity? And even if he s guilty, what will she lose if she turns him in? Chabrol s control of this material is masterly, leading to a climactic confrontation that rivals anything in Les Diaboliques for palm-sweating suspense.
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                  • Had a lovely time rewatching a John Carpenter classic THEY LIVE! Click image for larger version

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                    • Last night I finished of the Jurassic Movies with JP3. We ran this one at the cinema many moons ago, and thought then as I do now it was a fun film to watch I certainly enjoyed it . My next move will be onto screening the Jurassic world blu-rays again .

                      A couple of screen shots from last night. I notice that this one finishes with mummy picking up her lost eggs, now if I remember the first Jurassic Park started with a egg and now the last Jurassic with this one. I guess life will find a way mmmmm now what actor said that line? .
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                      • Back to 3D digital land last night with "Life Of PI". I first watched the 3D version at our local Reading cinema when it came out. I was so impressed with the 3D, that this was one title I really looked forward to when it was released onto blu-ray. Visually "made" in 3D is truly an amazing movie to watch on blu-ray using the Epson VP.
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                        Last edited by Graham Ritchie; January 08, 2022, 03:50 PM.


                        • After running some Super8 tonight I thought what better way to finish the evening with another screening of the 3D version of "Jurassic World" The 3D on this movie does look great. . Its certainly a full on action movie, Remember the ending to JAWS where the shark sinks to the bottom and the sounds it made, which came from the truck going of the cliff in Dual. Well I am pretty sure that same sound effect was used in this one as the big nasty one is pulled under the water near the end. Funny how you pick thing up from watching movies
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                          • The World is not enough 007 1999

                            Way back then they were showing the filming on tv in which they shot the opening Thames boat sequence in London. We grabbed a train and headed south so watch it all although we needn't have rushed as it took the second unit 7 weeks to complete filming it. Having stood on the river bank we briefly appear towards the chase sequence end wearing blue jeans. Blink and you will miss it.

                            I like the Brosnan films very much very similar to Tim Dalton. Good Times.
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                            • Watched ALL THAT JAZZ last night for the first time. Roy Scheider was terrific and the film was a great time, but what a gut punch watching it. Click image for larger version

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                              • So, for you last night it really was "It's showtime, folks".

