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What Blu-Ray did you watch last night?

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  • Thanks Ed I will check it out.

    Tonight it was "Dunkirk" from 1958, its not the first time I have watched this particular blu-ray title. Both B/W picture quality and sound are excellent "Dunkirk" was a big Ealing production with a top cast. Studiocanal I have found, have been a constant over the years with good transfers. Every time I see one with studiocanal on it, it gets my attention.
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    • I picked up Blood Diamond blu-ray a while back, and only got round to watching it tonight on the VP. Its certainly full on action from start to finish with a running time of around 2hrs 15minutes, good movie, but very violent, which does sum up the tragic truth behind this story.

      Well Well and after reading the back of the blu-ray and seeing it was released in 2007, I started to think did we screen it? I checked our old paper work, and there in my writing it had arrived 20/3/07 along with DTS discs, looks like we screened it for over one month. Strange I could not remember it, so can only guess it was at a time where we were busy running a number of prints "Blood Diamond" was just another one of the many 35mm prints coming and going back then.
      Last edited by Graham Ritchie; March 21, 2023, 03:04 AM.


      • After running a 20 minute 35mm reel through the Ernemann 2 projector tonight, well I have to run some film and thinking afterwards about the Derann Scope release on Super 8, that I should add, still looks good. I opted for the "lazy option" tonight to watch "The Neverending Story" again, but this time "pressing" a remote on a blu-ray player instead, I must be getting lazy.
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        • Adventures of Robin Hood. Classic movie that never disappoints. Superb print on Blu ray. A favourite on 8mm. Had the feature but honestly the 3x400 edit was faultless.

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          • "Downfall" German film with English sub-titles, very good blu-ray
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            • Satan’s Little Helper. A nobody horror movie that is really good. Ideal Halloween flick. Knock the Jason’s Friday the 13th into the bin. It also doesn’t have a happy ending 😇👿 Trick or Treat.Click image for larger version

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              Nine-year-old Douglas Whooly (Alexander Brickel, PALINDROMES) is obsessed with the handheld video game "Satan's Little Helper," and annoyed that the attention of his big sister Jenna (Katheryn Winnick, TV's VIKINGS and BIG SKY) is being distracted by her new boyfriend Alex (Stephen Graham). These two concerns collide on Halloween, when Douglas witnesses a serial killer in a devil mask (Joshua Annex) posing his victims like outdoor All Hallow's Eve displays. Not comprehending how real the carnage is, Douglas becomes this Satan's little helper-and that's very bad news for Alex, for Douglas and Jenna's mom Merrill (Amanda Plummer, PULP FICTION, Netflix's RATCHED), and ultimately for their entire town. A different kind of Halloween horror film, SATAN'S LITTLE HELPER combines grisly killings with a mile-wide streak of savage humor. Written and directed by cult favorite Jeff Lieberman (SQUIRM, BLUE SUNSHINE, JUST BEFORE DAWN), it satirizes the way video games can seize hold of young minds, and is driven by the inability of Douglas (and others) to distinguish the Satan Man's nasty crimes from All Hallow's prankery. Featuring one of Plummer's most eccentric performances, SATAN'S LITTLE HELPER has built a cult following on video and now makes it's UNCUT high-definition Blu-ray debut, carrying a bagful of supplementary treats!


              • Saturday night at the movies and once again Alien 1979 blu-ray the directors cut, I like this version over the original theatrical cut, although both versions are available on this disc. Excellent picture and DTS 5:1 sound.

                The directors cut has some extra footage added, which I think adds to the overall feel of the film, there is a introduction about it by Ridley Scott, music by Jerry Goldsmith. I understand its been released in 4K, Alien and Aliens are both movies I would like to see get the full 3D treatment for home release, similar to Terminator 2 and Jurassic Park if they are anything to go by

                A couple of past screen shots.
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                I have had a great run out of the Yamaha amp I use for all projectors including the 35mm
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                • Maltese Falcon. 4k UHD

                  My disc arrived a few days early but my goodness the black levels are gorgeous.
                  The down side is my old friend Ted is no longer with us to enjoy this classic.
                  The 4K is stunning with great sound as well. We shall end the day by watching the Super 8 Derann release.


                  • I don't have it on Blu-ray, but I did quite like, "The Grey", the same way that I enjoyed "The Edge".


                    • Last night it was the Spanish blu-ray release of "Free Willy" the blu-ray will go straight into English audio with no problems at all. Both picture and sound are really excellent. What prompted me to watch it last night, was after picking up the original cassette soundtrack yesterday in a second hand shop. The cassette quality sounded excellent, and was the first time I have ever heard it without all the other stuff on the actual film.

                      PS Past screen shots taken from the Panasonic VP

                      The original 35mm trailer I have is full frame flat, looks great.
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                      Tonight it was "Star Wars" the last time I watched it I had to switch the VP of as I was heading of into zzzzzzzzzz land. However tonight I did survive, but only just , its funny to say the lines before the actors say it, I guess like so many films I have really watched them to much . In saying that at my age, its also a good memory test, to see if I am still with it, well sort of .
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                      • Originally posted by Graham Ritchie View Post
                        Last night it was the Spanish blu-ray release of "Free Willy" the blu-ray will go straight into English audio with no problems at all. Both picture and sound are really excellent. What prompted me to watch it last night, was after picking up the original cassette soundtrack yesterday in a second hand shop. The cassette quality sounded excellent, and was the first time I have ever heard it without all the other stuff on the actual film.
                        Graham, you may be interested in this:

                        An ambitious plan announced last week to return Lolita, a killer whale held captive for more than a half-century, to her home waters in Washington’s Puget Sound thrilled those who have long advocated for her to be freed from her tank at the Miami Seaquarium​
                        The article is here:


                        • Exorcist III 4K UHD
                          Old fave of mine and a great release.


                          • Ed

                            Very interesting article about what they had learned about Keiko release. I don't feel Keiko release was really a failure, he did have five years of "freedom" before he died and full credit to all those who made that happen, in particular to all the kids world wide who wrote to Warner Bros that started it all.

                            As for Lolita I hope all goes well, I do think that Lolita release is the right step to correct the wrong of her capture in the first place. There will always be risks in doing a release, but I think its better to try than not to.


                            • Exorcist III 4K UHD
                              Old fave of mine and a great release.​
                              With one of the greatest jump scares in the history of cinema!


                              • That screenshot from the Star Wars Blu-ray looks exceptionally bluish, or is it just the settings on the TV?

