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What Blu-Ray did you watch last night?

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  • Totally agree Doug regarding "Local Hero" years ago I was disappointed that early DVD release was 1:85 picture from a 4/3 ratio, not a 16:9. I was over the moon when later I got a DVD with a 16:9 transfer. I still don't have the blu-ray as yet. "Local Hero" is one of those films you never tire of watching, its brilliant in every way. The music by Mark Knopfler also ads a huge amount to the mood of the film. I got the LP a while back, I think its also been re-released on Vinyl at present.

    Anytime Mark Knopfler does a live concert he always includes the theme from the film

    Two night ago my daughter came round for a visit, after evening meal I said you must watch this movie, what's it about?, can't say but the title has two words, give me a hint? well the first word is "The" right OK lets watch it . Well I really wanted to see her reaction to "The Beaver" afterwards she said that was good, what would you give it out of 10? reply 8.5 not bad I thought

    Last night it was the blu-ray of "The Perfect Storm" I remember Hoyts in town had huge advertising of it on the outside of there building, you don't see that kind of advertising these days.

    Tonight "Billy Elliot" on blu-ray still have the 35mm trailer on that one. "Billy Elliot" did really well at the cinema, I like the music, much of which is by T-Rex.


    • I wouldn't usually place a music video clip like this here, but it really is brilliant, of Mark Knopfler playing live some of music from the film "Local Hero" that was talked about .


      • Graham,

        Thank you for that music clip. The score works so well in the film. Gregory's Girl, also by Forsyth, is another winner.


        • Well its school holidays at the moment and we have Connor staying with us this week, every night we go out to our we home cinema and watch a movie, I should add no phones are allowed, totally banned in our home cinema and that includes adults as well , tonight it was the turn of this one. I wasn't to sure what he would think of it just turned 14 years . To my surprise it was a hit, although I enjoy this particular movie, I am never sure others share the same kind of enthusiasm. Well no problem with that one tonight. Hard to imagine its almost 20 years now since I ran the 35mm print at the cinema, how time flies.

          PS I was about the same age 13 years when I saw the original way back in 1965
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          • Outlaw Josey Wales. Good western but a tad overlong and over indulgent. Wonder was this because of Sandra Locke?


            • Good film, good supporting cast.The battle between Eastwood & original director Philip Kaufman resulted in a rule by the Directors Guild of America that prohibits an actor or producer from firing the director and then becoming the director himself.


              • With tonight being the last night with Connor staying with us, it had me thinking, what can I put on first thought of "Raiders Of The Lost Ark" good movie, but seen it about a million times mmmm...I wonder "Hunter Killer" more modern, good story with heaps of action ideal for a now 14 year old that has never seen it... yep give that one a go.

                End result from Connor, that was a good one Well if you like full on action submarine films I would certainly recommend watching this one. Projected tonight using the Epson VP plus "Hunter Killer" has also an excellent DTS 5:1 sound track.
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                Last edited by Graham Ritchie; July 05, 2023, 04:10 AM.


                • My friends and I all spent July 4th together watching 90s Disaster movies! It was a blast! On the Docket was TWISTER and DANTE'S PEAK. Both a lot of fun and DP particularly holds up in the FX department! Some really excellent practical effect shots.

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                  • Tonight’s Feature: THE ENTITY.

                    A ghost story that is truly unsettling.
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                    • On my own tonight I thought its time again for Blade Runner. Years ago when the film first came out I came close to walking out of the cinema before its end. My thinking at the time that it was boring. Jump forward many years to the final cut, I think its great. Anyway that started me thinking, was I just tired when I watched back in 1982. So with this excellent 5 Disc set, which included the original international 1982 cut, I thought OK, lets try it out again, to see if it was just me. After watching some of it and with Harrison Ford voice over, a bit like those Columbia Super 8 releases plus a few other things including the ending, I came to the conclusion, that at the time it was just not me, but also the film itself, the bottom line it just didn't work.

                      Thankfully with Ridley Scott returning to fix it in 2007 with a final cut "Blade Runner" it is now a much better film to watch, thankfully the voice over has gone

                      So tonight it was the Final Cut version, this is the one to watch I still have to go through the other discs included in this collectors edition, its well worth looking out for it.
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                      • Picked up this blu-ray a while ago but only just got to watch it tonight on the Panasonic VP. I had never heard of this movie before, and had no idea what it was about, so I was taking a bit of a chance with this one. One thing that did get my attention was that the blu-ray comes with an extensive list of extras including 3D glasses for the cover. Without doubt Umbrella entertainment has pulled out all the stops with this release.

                        Now about the movie, it turned out better than I thought it would be, made in 1984. I don't think it did much on its cinema release. The Aussie director was a fan of Alfred Hitchcock and the following extract reminds me of eg Rear Window.

                        All up a nice release from Umbrella, excellent picture and sound, a good nights entertainment.
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                        • Back to Digi land with this blu-ray tonight, I haven't seen it since the 1980s, great stuff, excellent picture and DTS 5:1 projected using the Panasonic VP, its totally nuts but a lot of fun, highly recommend it


                          • Graham, Innerspace is one that I missed. Steven Speilberg and Martin Short is an interesting combination. I see it has a good IMDB rating (6.8) ( I'll have to look for this one.

                            PS: I noticed your review does not include the movie name. It occurred to me that posting only a video or cover image means that a review of a title can not be found via a search. I was go going to see how many posts I made lack a movie title, but realized it's does not matter now, since we can't edit old posts.

                            On the positive side, if we are posting a negative review of a film, not including the title will keep our bad reviews out of internet searches. Remember when our discussion of Jonathan Livingston Seagull was found by the author/commentator of the latest Bluray release?

                            December 05, 2020, 04:45 PM

                            Hello, Graham and Ed... I found this post while browsing around the Internet to see if the Imprint Blu-Ray release of Jonathan Livingston Seagull is gaining any traction anywhere.

                            The Blu-Ray is now available on Amazon and I would be very interested to hear what everyone thinks both of the film and of my commentary track on the Blu-Ray, which goes into extensive detail about the making of the film.

                            To answer one of Graham's questions posed in his first message: I have, indeed, read the book, and I also happen to know the book's author, Richard Bach. Both he and Neil Diamond ended up battling the director in court over the final cut of the film.

                            It took me several years to research the making of this film, and I managed to speak with much of the surviving cast/crew, so I'd be happy to answer any questions.

                            ​​​​​​I'm so proud to be a part of this brand new Blu-Ray release of the film, and I want it to find an audience.


                            • Thanks for that information Ed I had forgotten about that, it was interesting about Jonathan Livingston Seagull, that because of talking about it here, it landed up elsewhere. Up to that point I had never heard of Imprint. Thanks to his contact I bought the blu-ray and soon got back to him regarding his commentary which was very informative.

                              That's a good point Ed if we write a negative review, not posting the title, will hopefully keep it away from internet search engines. I have been surprised as how far some of the you-tube videos I up-loaded have gone, just the other day a person got back to me regarding Super 8 home footage of the airport and how he used to go there to watch planes. I think its nice when others get something out of it, it makes it worth the effort.

                              In saying all that I will keep in mind what you have said a lot more.


                              • Saturday night at the movies with the blu-ray that came with the 4K, projected using the Panasonic VP excellent picture and sound, heaps of extras I will view later.
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