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  • I'll leave this one to your imagination......

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    • Well I am one very happy chappy of late. I have been having a bit of a problem with the DA20 Sound processor, although analog is fine from the Kelmar IR reverse scanning sound head is fine, its the full Digital 5:1 that has been playing up. These days the DA20 is not worth fixing as for one, getting the parts and paying the experts to fix it would be to expensive for me.

      So I thought, lets do the basics and hope for the best, Starting with replacing the lamp in the Digital sound head, clean the lens, then pull every circuit board out of the DA20, spray CRC Contact cleaner on every multi connector for each slide out slide in board "firmly into each board multi connectors". Remove and clean every wiring connector on the back of the DA20 with CRC.

      I spent quite a bit of time on the DA20, tonight I thought, lets see if it works, well not only did the processor worked on the feature tonight of my favorite CGI film "WALL-E" but all indicators on the processor looked really good, with a steady and constant of 3 to 4 right through the film, being displayed.

      I must admit the multi-channel sound being fed into the Yamaha through the DA20 is really something . Hopefully I will get a good run out of it after this basic clean up, as that is as far as I can go with this thing, anyway.....

      I just had to take a couple of pictures of it tonight, as I am over the moonthe future looks promising.

      PS Just to be sure I went round every speaker during the end credits, sound was coming out of the lot
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      DA DA......All six channels LEDs bouncing around, just the thing I wanted to see happening
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      • And as for WALL-E a couple of screen shots of one of my previous screening of this film, only another 4 years to go and the projector will be 100 years old...truly amazing .
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        • Its amazing what you come across on the internet, This popped up yesterday, I was on that North bound journey during Oct-Nov 74. I was also looking at what cruise lines provide these days and everything is laid on for you. Although most folk on that ship, it was a cheap way to get to the UK and back compared to flying. The above passage from Auckland to Southampton for me was $462 dollars, that included all meals etc, not alcohol, you had to buy that, however jugs of red wine flowed freely at the evening meal "LOTS". You had mostly young folk heading to the UK from Australia and NZ for there big OE, "Overseas experience" often working there way around Europe in hotels etc. There was the "London walkabout club" that many used on there arrival in the UK. It offered good affordable accommodation in London and as a base for spreading out plus plenty of advice.

          The "Australis" on the UK to NZ Southbound run, was mostly immigrants and those returning from there two year OE. That old tub did that run for many many years. Although it never featured anything like a modern cruise ship, it was a lot of fun. At the time I did that Oct-Nov, a one way air fare was $600 dollars, so you can see, doing it on the old tub was a lot cheaper, providing you were not in a hurry .
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          • Looking at the films shown in the ""Australis" cinema I can't remember watching hardly any of them, although I do remember leaving it one night, only to be confronted with a knife just missing me, as some youth on my left was attempting to stab another on my right. I had accidently walked through the door of the cinema into this. My reaction was to grab the wrist holding the knife, and my other around this guys throat, ran him against a bulkhead as hard as I could and took it of him. I have no idea what it was all about between them, but having a knife wizzing so close to me, did gave me a fright.

            Anyway I do remember telling the other person to "GO", folding up the flick knife and warning the other with the "master of arms" who just happened to be Scottish as well like me if I saw "HIM" again.

            Apart from that going to the movies on the "Australis" was pretty good, although as I say cant remember much about any of the films


            • Watched the 1982 Aussie horror film called Next of Kin. Was a slow burn horror movie but was a great time.


              • Comment

                • Truly amazing footage coming from Mars.


                  • Just one more look how "small" we are in the grand scheme of things.


                    • Originally posted by Graham Ritchie View Post
                      Truly amazing footage coming from Mars.
                      Any sign of Abbott and Costello yet?


                      • I doubt it. Didn't they actually go to Venus in that film?


                        • All at sea in Northumberland

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                          • If any of you ever visit the East Yorkshire coastal town of Hornsea, I can recommend a car park just off the main shopping street with 3 hours free parking.

                            It is a "standard" car park with a "super" name..................

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                            There is a rumour that the spaces are 16mm wider than normal.

                            ..... but don't quote me on that one!



                            • Grandson Connor playing for the Springston rugby club today, this was there Centenary Weekend, he is now playing for a country club and really enjoying it. Steven and I really enjoyed watching the game. The team did really well. Although as a grandparent I would like to wrap him up in bubble wrap after watching some of the tackle going on. New Zealand has always been a rugby country, and I have always disappointed when Scotland is out here on tour, and fail "every time" to beat them.....

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                              After the game, looking straight at the photo Connor far left "front row" all tired out, but happy it was certainly a full on game, The club has a sausage sizzle, plus a bumpy castle and lots of activities for the kids to enjoy after there finished games. I am sure the parents did as well. it was a good day out.


                              • Ummm......... Click image for larger version

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