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Tonight the blu-ray of The Martian 2D. A few weeks ago I watched the 3D version, which is really something using the Epson VP, it makes you feel you are actually there..
4K UHD Blu-Ray Star Wars Phantom Menace Bit of a mixed bag as it was partly filmed on HDCam along with 35mm film so not exactly a reference 4K disc. It is however much better than the BR disc and of course the sound is astonishingly good. Nice to have the films now on 4K Blu-Ray and they sit nicely with my Super 8 and SW collection of memories.
THE CONQUEROR Blu-Ray. Good BR this from Germany code B with a German doc, two trailers and publicity material. Best 6 Euro I've ever spent.
Der Eroberer on Koch Media. Film was produced with a magnetic 4 track system.
Did a stupid thing last night I placed the 3D disc into the player of Titanic but could not figure out why it kept starting mid-way through the movie, then I thought, check the box, then the penny dropped, Disc one was the 3D part one, Disc two was the 3D part two, Disc three was the 2D blu-ray and Disc four was the special features. I had placed Disc two by mistake, so there was nothing wrong with the player, just me.
The 3D version of Titanic through the Epson does look really good. The 3D version I should add is in a 1:75 ratio, the 2D Disc three is 2:40:1.
That's one thing with our love of film, we are not short of entertainment. 😍
The Polar Express 3D Blu-Ray Exceptional and what a shame they stalled 3D BR not taking it up to 4K. I push 3D a little tho on a 4K player and into a 4K projector which is a little comfort.
Ended the show with Super 8 Pathways to Perfection a nice railway film.
Lee I have still to watch "The Polar Express" in 3D right through. I did start watching it, but decided to hold back until I had watched the 35mm print a few weeks ago.
I did watch just the other night the German import of "The Great Waldo Pepper" audio selected to English on blu-ray "again". I must say the intro with Henry Mancini music is brilliant.
Both image and sound of this German release are very good .
Used to watch S8 Waldo in.our 1980's shows quite a bit now devoid of colour and contrast. Boo.
The blu ray is a bag full of memories for me and a nice thing to have.
Just been watching Dantes Peak a fave of mine and first time I've watched it on our new 4k setup. Was surprised how detailed it looked on the upscale system. I also have the 35mm as you do and look forward to when the new projector goes in shortly to watch it again.
Last night Superman the Movie, the extended version from the box set. I noticed but didn't have time to watch that Super Rabbit (Bugs Bunny) is one of the extras, I had hope when it said cartoons it was some Superman ones.
The last of this triple blu-ray box set, finishing tonight with the Epson VP with "Revenge Of The Sith"
I don't remember the 35mm print we ran at the time looking this good. Strange as it might seem, apart from checking the focus and sound levels, I never really was interested in watching films when working as a projectionist, always to busy with other things, so its great to now sit back and catch up using the VP.
Got my granddaughter staying with us at the moment, at 15 yrs old there is not much in the way of movies she has not seen. These days its getting hard to find something original they have not seen.
Tonight and without warning I thought I would try "A Monster Calls" blu-ray on the Epson VP. It certainly caught her attention, so much so she was crying at the end. She said that was one of the saddest films she had seen.
"A Monster Calls" stars Sigourney Weaver, Felicity Jones, a talented youngster Lewis MacDougall and of course Liam Neeson as the monster.
If your looking for something different then I would recommend this one, however bring the tissues.