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What Blu-Ray did you watch last night?

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  • It's in the air 1938 mr Formby and what a fantastic scan they have done.

    No scratch lines and very good quality indeed. Hats off yet again to Networkonair

    3 Formby films now on Blu Ray and wonderful viewing.


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      Watched our George again and a beautiful watch from this new BR officially due out tomorrow. Networkonair £11.50
      I do wish Dad was still here to see the magic happen....


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ID:	28410 Watching Arrow Video blu ray release of one of my favorite oddball films: Basket Case.


        • Last night it was this Italian import through amazon a year or so ago. The sound track does go straight into Inglese, 5:1 DTS HD Master audio without needing to go to the menu.

          The disc is A,B,C region

          Picture and sound is very good, however my Super 8 print although not quite in the same league, would be right up there in picture/sound.

          I am not sure if "The Black Stallion" is still available to buy in Blu-ray, as for the extras, apart from the trailer that's about it. However its one of those films that has stood the test of time really well, very happy with this blu-ray from Italy.

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          • I always thought Mickey Rooney was perfect in the part.



            • Some days just call for a John Carpenter feature to make everything better. So tonight I'm watching the always wonderful and hilarious BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA. A movie made up entirely of one-liners and kung-fu action. Click image for larger version

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              • Watched "The Hindenburg" blu-ray on the Epson VP tonight, both picture and sound were very good


                • Last night it was "The Land That Time Forgot" 1975. I have to admit I have never seen this film, never even bought it on Super8 when it came out. Anyway this was now my chance to see it. I bought it for $10 dollars second hand, after watching it on the VP with my better half, she said to me afterwards, you didn't spend $10 dollars on this? so I guess she wont be watching it again

                  The picture quality and sound transfer to blu-ray is really excellent on this Studiocanal / Umbrella Entertainment release. The conclusion I came to is, if you are a fan of the movie then "this" is for you.
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                  • I have always been a bit of a fan of something that is a bit different, this fits the bill.

                    This would be the third screening of it, again using the Epson VP. its certainly an odd movie, but good, made in New Zealand back in 1985. I would think, this would have been a small budget film, compared to the overseas stuff. It certainly does seems a bit strange to watch, considering the theme is of the plague spreading, after the world dealing with Covid 19 at present.

                    Anyway back to the movie, the quality of the transfer to blu-ray is very good, and included is a 35 page booklet, plus many extras on the disc itself.

                    I did take some screen shots just the other night .
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                    • Well I was hoping to watch the new Blu-Ray of Gracie Fields SING AS WE GO BLU-RAY having had a new scan but its now 3 days late!
                      I have the 17.5mm sound feature but that now is tricky to project due to shrinkage so now in cold store.

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                      So, as the BR didn't show we watched League of extraordinary gentlemen instead and enjoyed that. Sean Connery in his final movie.

                      SING AS WE GO by the way has some smashing 30's footage of Blackpool, the fair, seafront and Steam Trains. Slightly excited!


                      • For me Dr Who "Terror of the Autons". Originally 625 colour VT, but this got wiped so the Blu Ray HD version has been created from a 16mm film telerecording (Kinescope to US readers) vidfired back to 50 fps and merged with the colour (or should that be color?) from an NTSC off air home recording reverse standards converted to 625/50. Remarkable results and with a 5.1 sound remix and optional new CGI special effects to boot.


                        • TAKE IT OUT IN TRADE 1970
                          ED WOOD

                          This is small miracle reely Ed's final movie saved thanks to the USA archives and scanned from the only surviving 35mm print on the AGFA 2K SCANNER. With extras.

                          Well done America and AGFA investing is a very expensive 2K scanner.

                          Gorgeous and a nice one for your ED collection.

                          Independent film making these days seems such a lost art but we remember Ed and the inspiration he gave young film makers.


                          • I picked this blu-ray as a last thought while getting some other stuff at a second hand shop two weeks ago.

                            I had never heard of it before, and to be honest was not all that interested.

                            Well what a surprise, screening it on the Epson VP and filmed in the Alps, the photography was stunning. The acting, the story, of this French film was very good indeed. You can watch it in either English or French with English Subtitles, we watched it in English and the dubbing was very well done.

                            The Blu-ray image I would have to say is one of the best I have seen, excellent color, nice and bright. I would rate this as a 10 out 10 transfer.

                            If you feel like watching something different and viewing the great outdoors, then this blu-ray is a must, a nice film, which made for most enjoyable evening. . highly recommend it.
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                            • Thanks for highlighting this movie Graham, just watched the trailer on IMDB and promptly ordered the bluray from Trademe.

                              That is why I love all these “What films did you watch last night...” threads - you always learn about a new and interesting movie that you would otherwise have missed, please keep them going.

                              ps. I think I will probably watch the French version with subtitles though as I prefer the authentic sound track...


                              • Thanks Xander, I generally like watching films with the original dialogue and sub-titles, but in this case my better half eyesight is not so good these days to be able to read them, so the English dubbing was really the only way for Yvonne to watch it.

                                In saying that she is really picky with movies, always has been, Yvonne once slept all the way through a cinema screening of "2001", apart from the intermission she was out to it most of the time, a close second at the cinema to that film was " Gone With The Wind".

