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What 8mm films did I watch last night?

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  • Had quite a long show. Bit of a Star Wars mash up, trailers, 400ft SW colour treated and El Scope Pod Race again.

    400ft Singing in the Rain ending with x 3 Mr Formby 400ft song reels I made up years ago from faulty features.

    The Eumig HID 860 Super Lux performed very well indeed for a teeny projector ending with a little bit of Standard 8 CHASE ME PASTRY with beloved Richard Hearne recently home sound striped and sound added.
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    • Alien feature. Wierd one this as in a way I prefer the 400ft. Must be a nostalgia thing. A good feature from derann which was later stereo dubbed from the vhs. Memories.
      The colour is somewhat flatter than it was when new but still enjoyable.


      • Tonight was a Disney night. A beautiful Derran print of Aladdin and excellent stereo


        • Really nice that one Ken and probably the only feature we could project to the children back in the day and they would ask to see it again please. Memorable times.

          A Night to Remember Classic British Titanic retelling from DCR films.


          • „The Mask of Zorro“-Scope trailer followed by Ridley Scott’s superbe groundbreaking masterpiece „Alien“ feature from Derann in Scope. Sharp & colorful and with a booming stereo sound! I’ve bought this print 20 years ago and it still is breathtaking!


            • It was Beatles night tonight in the Man Cave with the following delights ablaze in the darkened room.......

              A Hard Day's Night Trailer - 1x 50' B/W - German titles and dialogue, but the Beatles still sung in English!

              Help! Trailer - 1x 60' Colour - Bought many moons ago on a trip to Dudley!

              Yellow Submarine Trailer - 1x 100' Colour - An item purchased at Blackpool from Phil at CHC

              The Beatles Come To Town - 1x 200' Colour - The Pathe News coverage of the Manchester concert.

              The Beatles in Concert - 1x 200' B/W - The Derann extract from Around The Beatles.

              The Beatles on Ed Sullivan - 1x 200' B/W - A Red Fox film.

              The Making of A Hard Day's Night - 1x 100' B/W - A behind the scenes featurette .

              Hey Jude - 1x 200' Colour - The David Frost Show performance (one version at least)

              Let It Be - 1x 100' Colour - Let It Be from Let It Be.

              The Beatles Washington Concert - 1x 400' B/W

              A Hard Day's Night - The last reel of the film featuring the theatre concert.

              Magical Mystery Tour - 3x 400'Colour.

              In case you are not sure..... I kind of like this little ole band from Liverpool!



              • Sunday night Feb 14

                A Bugs Life

                Disney Feature. Scope Stereo

                🐜 🐛 🕷😊

                For those interested, there is a 4 minute video of this screening at the Derann Film Page hosted by Ged on Facebook.

                Last edited by Chip Gelmini; February 14, 2021, 10:12 PM.


                • Snow White Whistle Why you Work nice color brought from Derann Brand New


                  • Tonight was Aladdin (Disney Derann) part 1, one of the best prints I have only this part as I hadn't seen the film and found a "White Box special" with sparkle on the last 3-4 ft cheap. Also Zoom and Bored a Techno Road Runner cartoon with great colour especially as it is on SP (the YCM printed on the tail are all there good too).


                    • Hey Melvin, how has the color on your Magical Mystery Your? I just got in the mail today, a 200ft excerpt from "Never Cry Wolf" (that scene when the scientist runs with the Elk). Wish I could find the whole feature.


                      • Osi - As you can probably guess, the answer is......... AWFUL ! Heavily pinked and hardly any colour left at all. The best bits of colour are the intermittent rainbow explosions during the film. This is a Niles copy. The one and only time I have purchased a film from The States. Thank goodness I wasn't thumped for extra import charges! It cost enough as it was ! My 16mm copy is far far better.

                        Anyway, the antidote to my forumless Saturday night was a film show consisting of......

                        Summer Holiday - Cliff Richard 4x 400' Walton. I find it astounding it does NOT include the theme tune sequence when Cliff is driving the bus. The 400'er does (but abridged...better than nothing).

                        42nd Street - 2x 400' - Two "stand alone" extracts instead of a 30 minute digest.



                        • Watched many 8mm films since the forum outage but we also had some Christmas films on including the new release CHRISTMAS TRAILER REEL #1.

                          I really love that film delivered just in time for last Christmas as well with seasonal trailers on it and the DTS animated Opener. 10/10 for REEL IMAGE for making the magic happen. Sharp and colorful, just what we need at the moment.

                          Click image for larger version  Name:	ReelImages.jpg Views:	0 Size:	107.9 KB ID:	28499


                          • Very much a song and dance evening in the Man Cave this Saturday evening, but slightly shorter than recently.

                            42nd Street - 2x 400' - Ruby Keeler / Ginger Rogers

                            Gold Diggers of 1933 Reel 2 - 1x 400' - Dick Powell

                            Easter Parade - 1x 400' - Fred Astaire and Judy Garland. A brilliant digest in my opinion. One of the best.



                            • Disney Home movie extracts of The Lady and the Tramp (Buck labs on Fuji still good colour but blacks a little purple) and Horse Hare, Bugs bunny, comparing 2 prints from Techno films One good definition but colour a little wrong (the "Blue coats" are more "Green coats) the other softer but the colour accurate. Both seem to be from the same master as they have an odd density change in the middle of the same shot. Also a silent Road Runner cartoon.


                              • Saturday night TITANIC, Sunday afternoon A NIGHT TO REMEMBER
                                2 spectacular, touching and unique features, 1 historical theme...

